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Looking for a group/clan

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Well, I originally started playing with about 4-6 friends but they have all stopped play or not as much. I'm looking for an active group to play with. A clan/team with a server would be awesome.

I'm 23 and I play days-nights EST time. I'm pretty active and I'm good with all guns. But I prefer an assault rifle.

You can contact me on steam/skype @ killuchen

Edited by killuchen

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Hey, i am interested in playing. I am only 15, but, I'm not some squeaky faggot. I am very strategic, and am looking to experience the realism in this game. I consider myself an above average player. I am best with DMR, M24,enfield or other snipers or long rifles. but, I am also decent at using assault rifles, ie. AKM, M4A1 etc. Skype: Jeffr420 Steam: Kyku.on add me :) I really want a team mate. FYI, I usually KoS if they have a weapon. And if they don't, I like to fuck with them ;P or sometimes try to make friends.

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