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Banditry has gotten out of hand.

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Everybody just shoots eachother in the face now like we're playing Call of Duty. Bandits wouldn't just murder everybody. Hold hostages, extort, etc. I'm sick and tired of constantly getting into firefights because everybody is a paranoid gun stroking loon blasting shitty dubstep tracks in their 1337 5KILLZ montages. My kill count is huge not from being a bandit myself but from putting a 12 gauge slug in some fuck's chest for trying to steal my Pepsi.

Edit: I know some of your over the top window lickers are going to call me a pansy for making this thread. I'm not saying stop being a bandit altogether. Just do it in different ways and have some fun with it. Firefights against bandits are too common.

Edited by SP00KEH
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One word: Stealth.

I tend to avoid gunshots if I can help it, I also avoid going the way that is plainly obvious or in a high traffic area.

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It's just only for a few more months. Black Ops 2 comes out in November.

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One word: Stealth.

I tend to avoid gunshots if I can help it, I also avoid going the way that is plainly obvious or in a high traffic area.

Ah, please tell that everyone you come across. I love it when people crouch walk or prone through the streets.

Such easy targets.

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Ah, please tell that everyone you come across. I love it when people crouch walk or prone through the streets.

Such easy targets.

Easy targets, indeed.

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Everybody just shoots eachother in the face now like we're playing Call of Duty. Bandits wouldn't just murder everybody. Hold hostages, extort, etc. I'm sick and tired of constantly getting into firefights because everybody is a paranoid gun stroking loon blasting shitty dubstep tracks in their 1337 5KILLZ montages. My kill count is huge not from being a bandit myself but from putting a 12 gauge slug in some fuck's chest for trying to steal my Pepsi.

Edit: I know some of your over the top window lickers are going to call me a pansy for making this thread. I'm not saying stop being a bandit altogether. Just do it in different ways and have some fun with it. Firefights against bandits are too common.

Lol i go hunting for the noob snipers in the tree lines, Pretty easy kills there aswell

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I've only ever come across one person who didn't shoot me on sight... well neither of us were armed. We actually ended up becoming good friends and still play in the same squad. However, everyone else has shot at me. I take no chances anymore. If you're armed, you sure as hell better not get in my sights ;)

Also, sometimes it's great fun to just watch people as a sniper. Not taking pops at them as soon as you see them but just see how they act around towns and other players. Some people are pretty hilarious. Once they're armed however, it's just too tempting to open fire and make em dance! >:D

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Shoot an unarmed guy the other day, still feel kind of bad about it :P So the next guy I met I tried to reason with. Needless to say he didnt listen, I threw some grenades, emptied a clip of dmr into him and crawled away crying with only 3k blood left :<

Only been playing for little over a week and this game has already turned me into a paranoid psycho. Also, the more weapons and items I get the worse my paranoia becomes. I cant even run around in the forrest without my heartbeat increasing ^^

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Its just because people don't want to take chances anymore. Personally, I have tried to rob people dozens of times and not ONE time have they complied. They just turn around and open fire on me. So now I just shoot them on sight.

Edited by Hendrix27

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Once 'ALT+F4 FOR THE WIN' is removed from the game, ' hostage, extort etc.' may become viable, but currently a bandit has to kill them quickly as possible if they want any loot. Otherwise they disappear in to thin air and are never seen again.

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Player vrs player kills are actually on a decrease if you look at the stats and account for a fraction of player related deaths. "out of hand" is somewhat dramatic a statement...

Edited by itputsthelotion

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Player vrs player kills are actually on a decrease if you look at the stats and account for a fraction of player related deaths. "out of hand" is somewhat dramatic a statement...

PvP kills are rare due to the fact that unless you get a clean shot/burst on them, they log out not awarding you the kill.

Would love to see some stats based on proximity to gunfire/bullet damage vs connections dropping.

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I haven't found one person yet who hasn't just opened fire. Me and my friend decided to skip town and head into the wilderness to avoid high player density around Cherno and Elektro.

And most people aren't crack shots. They aim about as good as a Parkinsons patient with a severe head wound.

Edited by SP00KEH

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