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How many Murders/Bandit kills do you have currently?

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Hey! Thought it would be interessting to share with other people how many murders/bandit kills you currently have.

I'm at 19 Murders and 1 Bandit Kill so far, and that is the highest I ever had in Dayz.

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Currently at 13 murders 0 bandit kills. I plan to increase that number when I play again tonight

Edited by Scene

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You... You monster!

My total is like 10 murders and about 7 bandits killed.

Everytime I killed a player, I would talk to my friends the next day and whisper "I killed a man..."

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1 today but i wouldnt call it a murder. it was more like self defense.

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7 murders over 14 days :)

Edited by Miggy

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Got 13 murders from one crazy night at the church in Elektrozavodsk. The place was a total warzone for over an hour. Got two bandit kills at the Balota airport later on in the same life. One of the bandits freaking charged me while screaming through direct com :P Turns out M14 EP1 beats an AK 2 out of 2 times :D

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10 kills, 2 were bandits. Getting bandit kills is hard because the game doesn't think someone is a bandit until they've killed someone with no kills. In fact most of my murders were just lousy bandits that failed at robbing people.

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3 murders but i dont consider myself as a bandit. some group of players were chasing us, bumping to us at different spots of chernarus by a chance or something else over and over.. last time we see them we took them out.

theres a vid of it also


Edited by hazedaze

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Got to 10 murders and 3 bandit kills and when looting the last bandit kill someone came in and shot me, should have known that big firefight will attract attention

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...when looting the last bandit kill someone came in and shot me, should have known that big firefight will attract attention

I find it best to not loot without backup in the populated areas.

Right now I have 2 Murders, 0 Bandits.

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I'm on my 8th day with this char and I have 0 murders 0 bandit kills. But that's because I'm a spotter. :P

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I'm on my 8th day with this char and I have 0 murders 0 bandit kills. But that's because I'm a spotter. :P

Assists ftw.

Currently at 12.. again ; ;

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Murdered: 2

Bandit: 1

Assist: 3

I often play solo and avoid conflict in a lot of cases. Defensively over offensively unless as a group we go to raid an objective like the airfield or an enemy camp.

Being a gentleman and all I try not to kill new or unarmed players when I can tell.

Edited by D4saken1

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