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Doyle McPoyle

Can I play this game with non-steam users?

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So a friend of mines is purchasing a non-steam version of the game(i own a steam one) and I was wondering if we could play with each other?

I'm not sure where to put this but I am a new player as well as some of my friends. If it is in the wrong place, please move it.

Thank you all!

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Yes in many different ways, even if you had Arma 2 retail and the expansions from steam there are still ways to make it work. If you use Six Updater to launch and keep your mods up to date you dont even need to go through steam yourself. Six will ask you to point it to the .exe's for Arma 2 and Arma 2 operation arrowhead, then from there you can keep DayZ up to date and launch the game to a server straight from your desk top.

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