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[Solved] Errors :(

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need sum programer help i run all my steam stuff off E:/steam .......

as i have ssd 120gb as my operation system

but i have a list of start errors , all extracted

first error : addon 'dayz_code' requires addon 'cabuildingparts'

second : no entry 'bin/config.bin\cfgvicheala\citzens1.scope'

no . 3 : You can not play/edit this mission; it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted.cherarus

i tryed on my own and dayz mod updater , with says done , and tryed manual update , i useing arma 2 fee + a2 : oa on steam

help pleaseeeeee :)

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Hi, I'm not sure as I never had problem with CO (I have ArmA 2 and OA in same folder so it seems to be automatically CO with the oa.exe), but it sounds as your game won't start as CO (and that for the deleted.chernarus message, and the "requires addon cabuildingparts).

When you are in the game main menu, do you see there A2 and A2OA Symbols on the left bottom corner?

if u see only the A2OA would have found the problem, but I don't know how merging A2OA Steam with A 2 free.

bye + good luck

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Make sure that you are starting Combined Operations.

Other than that, I get these and similar one off cfg errors now and again. Also, some servers say that I am missing CBA_MAIN but none of that has ever materially effected my game experience..


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i brought the full version not the free one , and run combind , now it works :)

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Ya I had this problem too, took me forever to find a post that just said

"Run combined operations, not OA" and it fixed everything

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