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Designated areas, kinda like a house

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I don't know if this has already been said, but I think their should be a type of house system. Where you can go in, and no zombies spawn inside or a small area around. Inside should have storage compartments similar to tents and only certain buildings can be made into a house. Doors can be locked, but can be picked or broken into. I know this might not work well with the current engine, but maybe ArmA 3s engine? And if broken into the area of zed protection disappears and once its looted it becomes just like it was. Places like cherno might not be a good idea to live in, because its a high populated area. But maybe those small towns scattered across Chernarus?

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Rocket was talking about digging your own base and make buildingsw underground in a 40 minute gamebreaker interview.

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I was always thinking about making my spaghetti in my house, and just about to sit down for a nice dinner....and some dude comes in with a ghille suit and SHOOTS ME WHILE I HAVE MAI DINNERZ.....

In all sersiousness, great idea. I would like to have a bona fide home base for me/a group instead of just a makeshift group o' tents and poorly placed barbed wire.

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