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Newb questions

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Hi my sister and I are planning to start playing DayZ, and I've tried to find the answers to these questions but I couldn't find them. So here goes.

1. How popular a camping ground are the mountains just SW of Devil's Castle (Northern part of the map)

2.If very popular what are some good camping spots you guys know of? Other than along the border?

3.Is there a group spawn system?

4 Any tips for a pair of newbies? Other than avoid Elektro and Cherno?

Thanks in advance =)

1a) What kind of gear do we need to make sure always have? Compass, Map, Food, Water bottles, guns and ammo, anything else?

2a) What are watches for in the game?

Again thanks in advance

New Questions

1b) How do you convert ammunition? Revolver to M1911 ammo and vice versa.

Thanks in advance again =)

Edited by Wolfie-wolf

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1. SW of devil's castle? do you mean North because the border of the map is north and you have reference to the border in number 2? :P I don't go there because there's no loot, no loot usually means no players or zombies :P

2. the best camping spot in a PVP area is probably north east hill overlooking elektro

3. No group spawning system other than spawn and see where you are (tells you as you're spawning that you're in Chernarus (the map) and at which location e.g. Elektro.

4. Don't avoid Cherno or Elektro straight away... You've got nothing to lose when you spawn in for the first time so head into the big cities and gear up, then head north to Stary Sobor and check the military tents and then both barracks at the NW Airfield.

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1. I've seen tents around there and raided them myself on a few servers.

2. Good camping spots are in low traffic areas. What you want to avoid is:

-the very edge of the map

-fresh water sources (ponds)

-anywhere that is directly between 2 cities

I usually go big forests 1 to 3 kms form the map edgethat have alot of the evergreens with branches right to the ground.

3. No but when you die and respawn it tells you where you are in the bottom right of your screen. If you hit esc and then respawn you can keep doing that until you are all in the same spot or a place you like (some servers kick or ban for this).

4. Cherno is a great place to start!!! In the North West of town just across from the factories there are 5 multi-story appartment buildings full of gear, food, pistols, non-military riffles, camo clothing, maps, compasses, watches can all spawn there. Also there is a hospital on the smae block aswell to get all the morphine, bandages, bloodbags. Also just to the south east a block there is a military medical area where anitbiotics spawn for those cold nights without a heatpack.

Further in town you will find alot of pubs and cafe's that are 2 stories and full of the same kind of gear as the appartments only with more food usually. To become more self sufficient you want to find matches, hatchet, hunting knife (all u need to kill game and cook it), and cantine's which can be refilled at ponds.

Straight south of the hospital is a fire house with a supermarket farther west, great loot spots aswell. I usually go in at night with my gama cranked, kneeling at a walking pace or even crawling to avoid zombies.

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1a) As well as all the things you listed you should always have medical supplies with you. Certain bugs in the game can cause a lot of damage that cannot be fixed without key medical supplies from hospitals such as blood bags and morphine. Also get a hatchet in your toolbelt and matches so you can cook meat from any animals anywhere in the map, this also heals you 800 blood (About) every steak you eat. The hatchet is so you can cut down trees for firewood.

2a) Telling the time!!

They are useful to know when the server you are in will get dark/Light so you can plan accordingly. Also if you are a true survivor (or can watch youtube videos) you can find north by unsing the shadows from trees and the time on the watch.

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Oh right forgot all about medical supplies and the hatchet and matches thanks =) Oh... yeah that might come in handy =P Thanks again

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1a) As well as all the things you listed you should always have medical supplies with you. Certain bugs in the game can cause a lot of damage that cannot be fixed without key medical supplies from hospitals such as blood bags and morphine. Also get a hatchet in your toolbelt and matches so you can cook meat from any animals anywhere in the map, this also heals you 800 blood (About) every steak you eat. The hatchet is so you can cut down trees for firewood.

2a) Telling the time!!

They are useful to know when the server you are in will get dark/Light so you can plan accordingly. Also if you are a true survivor (or can watch youtube videos) you can find north by unsing the shadows from trees and the time on the watch.

You do know that clouds almost move east, right?


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