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US128 has cheaters controlling vehicles + gear

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US128 has a group of geeks cheating gear and teleporting vehicles back to themselves once they lose them to being outplayed 3 times in a night

the fuckin losers names are






the little kids have tents at 15-70 north west of myshkino and they just spawn in new gear after getting raided.

their aim blows dick so it wasnt suprising to find out they cheated because they accomplished nothing in their lives.

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its probably their server so i dont mind if u just take it down or blacklist it, its cool.

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Seriously, it hasnt even been 20 minutes and you are bumping your thread? It's obvious you are mad at these dudes, thats fine, but there are rules about spamming and abusing the forums, being pissed off at someone doesnt make the rules not apply to you.

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thats fine, like i said just dissolve the server so the virgins dont get any more free gear

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Well, seeing as you haven't posted any evidence for the dev team to take action with, have you tried contacting the server admin(s) for that server? You're alot more likely to get a quick response from them, and they have access to the logs which could be used as evidence that can be given to the devs to get any offenders banned from the mod.

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havent contacted the admin, dont know who it is, as far as evidence, just go look at the geeks tents at 15-70 with full gear

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Your joking right? we had 2 cars and 2 dirt bikes and they got taken, when have they came back to the tents? also how do we spawn stuff in? we just get stuff from the tents also you failed on the names bro

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thats fine, like i said just dissolve the server so the virgins dont get any more free gear

You are an idiot. And this is not a flame. Just fact.

1. You are getting kills off them am I correct to assume by your posts?

2. They have vehicles, which gives you vehicles to steal? No?

3. You want the server dissolved because you dont know how to play somewhere else? :o omgosh...

4. You do realize IF the server were to go down they would just go elsewhere and do the same thing?

Use your head before you rage on the forums "nerd"

Edited by valador

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Rofl this guy is an idiot

We are a LARGE clan and we have been working over a week to get many of the things we found. 1/2 the vehicles we got are stolen from camps we found.

BTW you got all the names wrong.

Stop crying on the forums

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I would love to take action...

If words were more than just, words.

Soooooo... A baseless claim...

I recommend downloading a screen capture softwear, like FRAPS, and record it. The group you took vehicles from is actually a large group and I do not doubt they were working for hours to retrieve their gear.

Anyway, Here is a clap.


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You know whats funny? We were attacked earlyer and they combat logged when we shot them. (One died and logged, his name was [soC]Brian)

Then this post goes up....

There was also some dude who logged in inside the camp while 3 of us were sitting around the camp fire XD.

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ROFL i didnt think you dumpster fucks would actually try and defend yourselves from literally teleporting your vehicles back to yourselves with us IN THEM, you are exactly the kind of rejects i would fucking demolish in every aspect of life.

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nevermind the fact that we stole 62 guns from you, the RPG from you and an hour later you had the exact same gear in ur tents. basically whats happening here is you fuckin casual public fucks got dominated for around 4-5 hours in 3 different firefights, we found your base, dominated you in ur base, took all of ur shit and magically it was all back including teleporting the FUCKING VEHICLES WITH US IN THEM ROFLLLLLLL. children like you really are the reason the economy is fuckin destroyed, straight up sociopathic behavior with no remorse.

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I would love to take action...

If words were more than just, words.

Soooooo... A baseless claim...

I recommend downloading a screen capture softwear, like FRAPS, and record it. The group you took vehicles from is actually a large group and I do not doubt they were working for hours to retrieve their gear.

Anyway, Here is a clap.


"The group you took vehicles from is actually a large group and I do not doubt they were working for hours to retrieve their gear."

whether they legitimately retrieved the vehicles and gear in the first place, (which they didnt) doesnt actually matter. they fucking TELEPORTED THE V3S. WITH. US. INSIDE. OF. THE. VEHICLE. OLOLOLOLOLOL

Edited by Prec1sioN

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also one more thing that i want to make clear, im not debating whether or not they cheated, they did. just know that theyre scumbag faggots who are simply lying so they can continue cheating, period.

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nevermind the fact that we stole 62 guns from you, the RPG from you and an hour later you had the exact same gear in ur tents. basically whats happening here is you fuckin casual public fucks got dominated for around 4-5 hours in 3 different firefights, we found your base, dominated you in ur base, took all of ur shit and magically it was all back including teleporting the FUCKING VEHICLES WITH US IN THEM ROFLLLLLLL. children like you really are the reason the economy is fuckin destroyed, straight up sociopathic behavior with no remorse.

You do know that there is a tent/backpack/vehicle duping exploit atm right? THAT is breaking the rules and you just might be able to prove it if you get fraps as previously reccomended.

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I find it humorous that you guys are even attempting to defend yourselves, you all died. We took nearly every gun you had, every vehicle you had, and looted your bodies. Yet for some reason we come back not 12 hours later, and not only have you completely replenished your guns; you have six ghillies, four mk 48's, five as50's, four ghillie suits.

Not to mention that the vehicle was literally WARPED from the location it was driving to back into the woods.

You guys are a joke, and I'm happy to no longer be a part of a server that condones cheaters, I'm sure they could just as easily check the combat log(s) and see the insta-replenishment.

Regardless, I'm not going to waste my time with people who have to pay for a game, then continue to use moms credit card to purchase cheats.

Save your moms credit score and buy some proactive.

Ironically you call me out for "Combat logging" when you dumpsters logout more than Gabe Newell consumes fastfood.

I'd have to say, you don't deserve the frag if you're willing to miss seven shots on someones back.

I didn't even logout either.

You're the epitome of a joke, especially for the amount of time you have logged.

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valador, thats not what i really care about, these kids all blow dick and cant aim worth a fuck, i dont care if they have infinite gear. whats a fucking joke is the teleporting of the 3 vehicles we took from them.

Edited by Prec1sioN

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Rofl this guy is an idiot

We are a LARGE clan and we have been working over a week to get many of the things we found. 1/2 the vehicles we got are stolen from camps we found.

BTW you got all the names wrong.

Stop crying on the forums

Obviously you're not going to care that you just lost literally EVERYTHING. You'll be rolling around in ghillies and as50's in no time! All thanks to your artificial injections, you'll have another seventeen tents filled with every gun possibly imagine, not to mention more helicopters than macorav's on the map.

Edited by WalkinTall
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