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Group Backstab

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This is my first post and I wish to share a story about my banditeering.

I had gone north to the NW Airfield previously, there I ambushed a guy with two shots to the head with a M9SD, my first kill. He dropped some lovely tools and what not but at the airfield I found an AK-74 and ammunition. From there for the next approximately 6 hours I spent travelling around the north, achieving very little and seeing no one except myself and my buddy I was with (skype friends).

Today I was sick of playing Walking Simulator so I traveled down to Cherno and camped on a hill about 300m north of it. I asked on side chat if anyone was friendly around Cherno and agreed to meet a group of 3 west of the city. I spied them from afar with my bino's and watched. I told them I was watching them to see if I could trust them (mistake) and ended up following them.

I lost the group of 3 and had to guess where they were when I saw them. It was a perfect for a sniper. Three of them out in a field 400 meters away in the open. I (being an idiot) shot one of them with my AK and was, in the only words I can describe it by, raped. Numerous zombies attacked me causing me to give away my position which allowed them to shoot at me, hitting me once and taking me down to 5000 blood. I killed the zombies and zig zagged into the tree line to bandage myself. On side chat I said I heard gunshots and asked who it was. They said it was them and there was a sniper. Because I'm a sneaky c**t I said how I was near the area and was hiding because of said sniper.

Later I stalked them some more and said I wanted to come meet up with them in a field. They agreed and I met them. I was extremely suspicious of them so I kept my eye on them and waited till the perfect moment to kill them. My plan was to separate them and kill them individually.

So here we are, four of us trying to evade a ghost ‘sniper’ and make it to west Electro. I was feeling like a infiltrating god. We climbed a mountain west of Electro called ‘Pik Kozlova’. I figured I would be in the best position if I had the high ground, so I ran out front and headed up the side of the mountain. At one point all three of them stood on this ridge overlooking west Electro. All of them looking out towards the city. I stood a few meters away and set the AK to full auto. I put the cursor on the leader’s head, whom was holding the most dangerous weapon, another AK.

Time slowed down and my heart was coming out of my chest as I burst the first man down, 3 shots to the head. I moved onto the next guy and he turned to look at me, between 7 and 10 shots hit him in the chest and face. Lastly the third man, wielding a Winchester 12 gauge turned at me, he took a single shot which missed me and he turned to run. I emptied the magazine into him.

I did it, I killed three survivors, all next to each other, all armed and all completely trusting me. I looted their corpses, which had very little items I needed and left.

INSTANT KARMA. I was climbing down the rocky slope and fell. I broke both my legs and died.

I plan on continuing my murdering. And I will kill every person I meet, survivor or bandit.

Here's a picture of the crime scene btw.


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Gotta love the people who don't fully know about ArmA 2's physics engine.

You run down a cliff, you'll go airborne. Plain and simple.

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I'm not sure what I should think about infiltrating groups and shooting them afterwards, since I'm not really the guy to break someone's trust, even though I'm sort of a bandit. I enjoyed reading though.

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Sadly I was one of the victims of the attack, but I had to admit it was an amazing plan and it played out well I would say for killing us. But I guess thats karma for you when you fell off the cliff :P.

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They mistook an AK shot for a sniper fire? Big mistake right there, haha.

Reminds me of a plan me and my friend had. I was posing as an injured player and was asking in global for some PKs. My friend sat up on a small ridge by a road overlooking the field I was in. Soon enough, two guys came along to help me out. I was pretty surprised to see one had an M249 and the other a DMR. They made their way towards me and my friend took the shot. Well. To be precise, he took three...missed them all. They opened firing on me, assuming it was a trap and left me badly injured, on about 3k blood or something.

I retreated to a small cluster of trees and bandaged before making conversation with them, explaining that I was friendly. They bought it. I was pretty relieved. They even gave me food and a BT which was rather nice of them. The next fifteen minutes consisted of me chilling with them, trying to 'help' them find my 'friend'. Eventually, we gave up the hunt for my buddy and myself and the prey scampered off.

My friend had been tailing us the whole time and once again missed a shot, alerting them to his position. They turned and just flattened him at 300m. I stood there, scratching my head, not sure what to do. They were both reloading when it happened. About four zombies came running towards us; they'd been attracted by the gunfire. After helping them dispatch the zombies, the two badly wounded guys start bandaging, backs facing me...both of them. At the same time. I couldn't fucking believe my luck.

So about five Winchester shots or so later, I set off with an M249 with 600 rounds, an M9 SD and a DMR along with a pair of Rangefinders. The rage in chat was hilarious. I could only muster the following retort to it; "HUEHUEHUE."

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Haha hi Thrax, it was definitely karma, totally deserved :P. Did you end up going back to get your stuff? Also what server was it I enjoyed that server, especially now that half the people on it want me dead :D!!!

I could only muster the following retort to it; "HUEHUEHUE."


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Haha hi Thrax' date=' it was definitely karma, totally deserved :P. Did you end up going back to get your stuff? Also what server was it I enjoyed that server, especially now that half the people on it want me dead :D!!!


I could only muster the following retort to it; "HUEHUEHUE."


Nah.. I went off for the night, as I always say to myself. Every time I die, I learn my mistakes and get better. I don't remember the server sadly. But I'm sure everyone knows you, will follow you :D.

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Yeah I'm sure if I go back onto that server I'll quickly be hunted down :D!!! However I forgot which server it is, and seeing as yo can't favourite servers... :(

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