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{CQF} Asus

Looking for a Clan/Group To Tag along with!

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Name: Asus (Ingame) | Jean (Real Life)

Age: 20

Skill 1-10 (10 Being Highest): 6

Time-Zone: EST Time (Miami, FL)

Longest Life: 7 Days (got sniped near stary)

I'm currently looking for a clan or group to join. I've been playing Dayz for about a month and a half now (Not that long I know). However, I've been loving the game a lot and I don't have that many people that are willing to buy the game and play with me. (even though its only like ~20$ right now). So If there are any new clans or old clans. Noobs or Pros Let me know and I'll tag Along. Also If you find yourself in a server with me and need anything like medical help, food, or drinks hit me up. I dont bite and I'm very friendly. (Unless you have a AS50 in which case "nope.jpg")

Don't play Dayz that much? Let me know also I Spend a Ton of time also on Counter-Strike (Both 1.6 and Source) as well as Garry's Mod.

Alright Well Peace out, see you around.

Edited by Asus_jean

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Yo, if you want, you can come onto my clan TeamSpeak, as we play DayZ quite often, and are always looking for new people!

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Thanks Guys for the invites! However, I joined a Clan with an IRL Friend of mine! But if you see me on a server Let me know! Im a very Friendly Player!

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