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Dead players becoming zombies?

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Dont know if this has been posted before or if its on the feature list...at the moment afaik theres no incentive to kill zombies other than when they are aggro and you have no other chance to get rid of them. For any player who is more than 5 hours into the game the dayz zombies are just plain boring and no terror at all if you know how to avoid them. Im used to people getting killed by zombies become zombies themselves. Why not in this world? You could easily identify them because they would still carry the backpack. Spotted a zombie with a backpack and lots of other zombies around? Take the risk to kill him and get the loot or better not? I would love that...

Looking forward to hear your comments, if this has been debated before (I have not found anything) i would be happy to get a link to that thread...

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In the majority of the Zombie Survival games I've played, at least 80% of the players dislike playing as a zombie, another 15% despise it and ragequit, while a decent 5%, including myself, enjoy being a zombie and taking down humans.

It's a good idea but the majority of players wouldn't want to play as a zombie, sure they will find it fun the first couple of times, just like everyone, but after a while people get sick of it.

Personally I'd love to be hiding up in NWA in the firestation and pounce on some unlucky mofo trying to get some good loot. And just like alot of other games zombies should have their own special vision, that lets zombies see players in the dark.

Take Zombie Panic Source for example, you can see heat signals off players, the more they move the redder they become.

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I'd agree with this but there is a slight change I would add.

*Once the player dies from a zombie, his character turns into a zombie and starts to free roam, this allowing him to re-spawn as a human again and start playing instead of being trapped as a zombie.

That way you're still able to kill the zombiefied player and loot him.

Edit: Maybe give the player the option to play as the zombie when he dies so that they can decide.

Edited by Ryzo
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Lol hehe I didnt mean that you after you get killed you become a zombie and can play as a zombie. They would be ai controlled and behave like any other zombies that are in the game right now. But this actually is also a great idea and should be discussed... ;) I just want more incentive to actually hunt zombies and go to areas where zombies are. Right now everybody is just moving from loot spot to loot spot and does not care about the zombies at all...

Edited by oldschoolgamer

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I'd agree with this but there is a slight change I would add.

*Once the player dies from a zombie, his character turns into a zombie and starts to free roam, this allowing him to re-spawn as a human again and start playing instead of being trapped as a zombie.

That way you're still able to kill the zombiefied player and loot him.

Edit: Maybe give the player the option to play as the zombie when he dies so that they can decide.

Yes just wanted to say what you added in the edit, give the player the option to how he wants to continue...

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Or if the game can spawn zombies BUT with a backpack loot will be random?

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In the majority of the Zombie Survival games I've played, at least 80% of the players dislike playing as a zombie, another 15% despise it and ragequit, while a decent 5%, including myself, enjoy being a zombie and taking down humans.

It's a good idea but the majority of players wouldn't want to play as a zombie, sure they will find it fun the first couple of times, just like everyone, but after a while people get sick of it.

Personally I'd love to be hiding up in NWA in the firestation and pounce on some unlucky mofo trying to get some good loot. And just like alot of other games zombies should have their own special vision, that lets zombies see players in the dark.

Take Zombie Panic Source for example, you can see heat signals off players, the more they move the redder they become.

Sure some players likes to be a zombie, but running around in a 225km2 world looking for survivors, I promise, thats not fun.

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Or if the game can spawn zombies BUT with a backpack loot will be random?

^ I think this would be great.

People won't have to run around as zombies but they would then have extra incentive to kill zombies because they could potentially have good loot.

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Or if the game can spawn zombies BUT with a backpack loot will be random?

sux balls random wtf no never get the real loot the zombie suggestion isn't dayz it would make it another game.

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It looks good.

When you kill a survivor, instead of disappearing, the corpse after 5 minutes would become a zombie and start wandering around looking for brains like other zombies but with survivor skin and, of course, survivor loot. Hunting it down will give you access to the dead player's inventory and disappear like any other zombie corpse.

Obviously they won't wander forever but they'll follow the natural zombie despawn routine.

This would be interesting and will make the game much more hardcore, making difficult to reloot player's corpse after his death.

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I only read half of your post and didn't bother with the sub-posts.

The "zombies" in Day Z aren't Zombies at all. They're infected.

The difference between zombies and infected-

Zombies: Dead, brought back to life by something, rigour mortis (slow movement).

Infected: Alive, infected with a virus that is transmittable, not decaying (however they do incur injuries as they wander around and they're getting weaker the long they go without a food source.)

THE MAIN DIFFERENCE IS THAT ONE IS DEAD, THE OTHER IS ALIVE. There is absolutely no reason (unless the infection causes it somehow) for Infected to move slowly. Everyone has their own "opinion" on what a zombie is or isn't. But they're not true. George A.Romero is the father of modern shambling zombies. 28 days later first played with the idea of running zombies, instead preferring to call them infected.

Rocket himself has said that 28 days later is an inspiration - 28 days later contains no zombies (undead) only Infected (living).

Therefore for you to become an infected, you require to be bitten whilst still alive and when you die, you're dead, that's it. For this I believe the humanity system and the current hit whilst bleeding infection are going to be combined in the future to create a true infection system to turn players into infected.

Edited by Steins

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Sure some players likes to be a zombie, but running around in a 225km2 world looking for survivors, I promise, thats not fun.


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