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Jacked a car full of pusses in US467 last night

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Around 4 guys packed into a GAZ last night, driving through the middle of Stary, I put a burst of AKM into the back window, they all jumped out and DC'd. They could have easily fought me if they wanted to, but they DC'd instead and now I have a sweet new car. Next time you guys should stick around.

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good job! :D have fun with the car

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and people say DCing is a bad thing lol it makes idiots who think they are being ambushed by an army freak out and leave.

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good job! :D have fun with the car

We did. Got the group together and we raided someone's camp. Threw all their shit in the car. Double score.

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I jacked a UAZ today from three guys at the NEAF today, they left it and a GAZ while they ran to the hangers.. Made my day =)

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I also gotta contribute something now.

Stary Sobor, yesterday:

Sniping a few hundret meters from the bushes...hitting the bitch, 1, 2 and 3. 3 DMR rounds into his body, should be enough. Somehow the corpse is gone and no flies to hear when i arrive on the spot a few minutes later...

Shortly after that, my mate is in the big rusty barn at stary because we got contact with 2 hostiles and want to ambush them.

They seem to see me(the big bad sniper) and decide to run in the rusty barn, where my friend with a big fat SAW is sitting...he puts round after round in the first enemys body(in a matter of 2 seconds :P), the guy vanishes - disconnect.

Hits the second enemy once, he disconnects.

I hate this shit.

And another story, a few days ago i saw a chopper and in my excitement i tried to snipe it down lol. Got shot to death (dumb of me, sure!). A while later my mate said choppers werent in the game right now. I wonder...

Edited by Xero66

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Yeah man the DCs are fucking annoying as all hell.

And I remember seeing that chopper the other day, me and my bud were at the NWAF when we saw it and a couple times later too. Hell we even found the camp for them lol. Not see the chopper in a while though and I didn't know they weren't in the game still =/

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We just got done having fun on 467. A massive battle at the NW airfield. Everyone played honorably, too, which surprised us.

A long story, epic battle, and a few of us respawned and returned to the fight before it finally ended.

Then an hour later, I kill this guy, Tom, who instantly respawns and kills me. Not sure if hack or exploit. It was fun while it lasted, though.

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haha one of those rare occasions where you're glad for people to dc!

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This is funny, considering we found a GAZ and a Tractor near Devil's Castle not long ago, may have been yours if yours is missing.

Also I saw a group flying around in a chopper, they managed to crash it and 2 of the bodies had NVG's so I'm not sure if they were spawned in or not.

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Not sure why you would ever take it to Stary.

When we go to raid Stary Sobor, we park our car at lada spawn.. Most ppl don't see it since its right under their eyes and if somebody spots it, our overwatch can handle it easily.

And to the DC problem, i had to change from my DMR to .50 (no more night sniping :() so that when somebody disconnects, he/she is gone for good.

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