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The DayZ 'A-Team'

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The Idea:

Had an awesome idea, please forgive me if there is already a thread on this, but who (bandits or reformed survivors only) would like to create/join an A-Team, also known as the A-Hole-Team?

The Plan:

In this team there will be a minibus/truck, and the team members will ride around Chernarus and be 'A-Holes' by killing survivors and looting and setting traps. You may also sing the A-Team theme tune over Direct Communication as you approach a Target, but this is optional ;)


Thoughts? Opinions? Ideas? Response would be appreciated!

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I don't mean to offend you, honest, but your idea is dumb. Your eagerness to kill other survivors will be mirrored in their eagerness to take revenge, and judging by the way you wrote the post, it won't take too many deaths until you disband your "A-Hole-Team" and decide to stay away from every other player for good.

You may like the idea of killing and looting everything that moves but I'll tell you how it's going to happen.. You'll assemble a team of 4 people, you will all spawn together, get geared up with a few AKs and start man hunting, but to your disappointment the only people you'll manage to find will be newbie survivors with nothing but a few bandages and some enfield mags.. Not because there are no well geared players but because any player who has managed to loot and keep a high grade piece of equipment will probably be able to outsmart a jihad driving a minivan in the middle of Cherno, and let's face it, you're doing it for the loot.. If you wanted to kill you could go play Counter Strike. In fact I suggest you do, because it's people like you that ruin the whole point of DayZ.. The drama, the tension between two players when they spot each other at a distance, not knowing how each will react.. And you just want to run around, shoot people and steal their hard earned beans. It's unrealistic and it ruins the fun for everyone, and if it doesn't ruin the fun for you then you weren't enjoying the game the way it should be anyway.

That's my opinion, so you and your kind... Begone!

Edited by darksider2000
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Sorry if I have offended the DayZ community, but you may be surprised but I also love the tension in DayZ, it's what makes it such a damn good game/mod. I also agree with the fact that teams are easily split apart in this world, it's happened many times with me

But I'll be honest, I get pretty lonely, and I know it's sort of intended to be that way, but some of us want to team up and have a 'family' in sense, who look out for each other (until one of them takes the other guys beans, then it becomes a sh*t storm) and I just thought it would be brilliant to have a crew of crazy guys riding about shooting everything like a bunch of drunken friends stumbled across a bus filled with guns... in a world full of zombies.

Imagine you have worked your way inland, you have the supplies to survive a few days, and then... you hear an engine. You take your binoculars and see... a minibus full of people screaming and singing the A-Team theme tune speeding across a field smashing into zombies, surely that would brighten your post-apocalyptic day up? (unless they saw you..)

The team could change, it could be a survivor A-Team, where only zombies are shot, although this is where it moves to the survivor forum thread..

Heck, I'll probably never get to do this, with my crappy internet, so if you're reading this, and like it, PLEASE steal the idea, just make sure you video whatever crazy ass poop you get up to ;)

Thanks for your feedback though, this is my first time engaging in a forum, and it also gives me an idea of the DayZ community!

Okay I'll be honest, I don't think I'm even a bandit, I killed one guy out of cold blood.

It seems that a DayZ A-Team has not been approved.

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