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Can you repair bicycles?

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Title says it all. I found a bike but all 4 maintenance categories are orange and the thing barely moves. Can I go get a toolbox/ stuff to repair it, or does that only work for motor vehicles?

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if you wreck your bike, just get out of it and save it, voila its fixed!

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Yes you can repair bicycles we found a broken one and repaired it with tires and scrap metal.

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I spent 30 minutes attempting to do that (With a tool kit and the parts required)

I saved the vehicle (to make it mine) Then I repaired the frame, but it did not repair, just ate my scrap metal

Then for the life of me I could not feking find any single prompt to repair the tyres for like 25 minutes...

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I'm having a similar problem right now. My friend got hit by a car and when he tried to get back on the bike it wouldn't let him. All it says is "save old bicycle".

I've got a tire and scrap metal in my inventory and it gives me an option to repair those parts but both parts show green on the list.

I can't figure out how to board the bicycle. I've saved it. Will a server restart fix things or is there something magical I can do? I love the bicycle. I think it is the best vehicle in the game.

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I saved the bike and came back in the morning after the server restart. It was standing up in the road where it was left and I got on and took it away into the woods. I guess whoever wrecked it made it unusable for a time but the server fixed it.

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