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Good deeds, and their done for free! (General Deeds Thread)

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So this is a general story thread about GOOD deeds you guys have done throughout the wasteland with no intent for compensation or reward.

I shall start!

I was in a server back during the DayZ and I was in a server that had Side Chat enabled. I was just doing small exploring, for the most part not really anything labor intensive. I was just skimming what people where saying in Side Chat whilst walking across the northern part of Cherno. In Side Chat two people (SirBeef and Joshua [might be wrong with this name]) were having a conversation about grouping up since they were both "friendlies" in Cherno. My first response was "Oh look! Actually some kind folks" then I thought "The only people looking to 'group up' in Cherno are looking for some easy beans to pull of a freshly dead body" but for the most part I was going to let the conversation proceed without me interfering.

After about 10 or 15 minutes they eventually meet up and the conversation proceeded a little something like this

SirBeef: "So I just double click it to drop it right?"

Joshua: "Yes, I'd like to see it please"

SirBeef: "Ok! here :]"

- Joshua picks up his stuff -

Joshua: "Ok thanks bud, bye."

SirBeef: "Wait where are you going?"

Joshua: "I am leaving, with your stuff."

SirBeef: "So I've been robbed?"

Joshua: "Yep, bye!"

I thought to myself, well... that is kind of what you get. But I later learned that SirBeef was rather new. As in first character new. I immediately felt so sorry and did not want him to be exposed to such horrid behavior as his first interaction. I typed in Side Chat...

FreeKill: Joshua you better keep your ass hidden in that city, because I am coming down and may you fear the day you cross in front of me.

I immediately threw my AKS-47 Kobra over my shoulder, pulled out my M9SD and started working my way into the city.

After about 10 minutes of searching I had found Joshua looting the military tents to the North East of Cherno. I had over-watch on him so I typed in side chat.

FreeKill: Joshua I have your head lined up, if you drop your weapons now I'll let you live.

Joshua: Why would I do that?

FreeKill: You betrayed and stole from SirBeef, and now I am here to take it back.

Joshua turned around and started shooting his Winchester wildly, clearly inexperienced bandit, he had no Idea where I was and his shots didn't even come close. I put a shot into him, he fell the floor. I let him lay there bleeding... when he finally came back to and tried to stand up I finished him with a quick burst. Looted his stuff and returned it to SirBeef.

SirBeef had nothing he could give as payment for my deeds, and nothing was exchanged. For I wanted to to do it to show to SirBeef there is some good in the world. I hope my actions changed his outlook and he is out in DayZ trying to do the same.

What other stories do you have? I'd like to see more!

Edited by Freekill0
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Surprisingly he was just chilling out in one of the lootable buildings with a Hatchet, was pretty happy to see him last. Don't know how he is doing now, maybe I made a change!

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If players want consequences to banditry, they must do it themselves. This is a great example. Learn from this, people!

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I think it was my third character. I was running near kamenka near the coast. All of a sudden i hear someone say FREEZE!

I stod still explaining I had nothing worth the bullet. He told me: Its your lucky day.

I was first confused. Friendly players that I don't know irl?

He dropped a M14 with silencer and holo-sight and 5 mags for it. He then left me the gun.

Wow, what a kind sir.

His name was Big so if you meet him greet him from me

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This is one of my stories. Sadly its been a while and I'm not good with names.

Having died miserably in a barn far to the north due to some unforeseen circumstances and now I found myself back in Cherno. I can honestly say I hate and fear this town.

Having poked my head into a store I find a winchester and a few spare slugs. As I make my way out I see someone running between houses headed towards town hall. I decide to wait and see if I can get an idea of his intentions. Too soon I realize what he plans to do, it comes to me as he climbs to the roof. I start running, hoping he didn't see me.

I hear two shots fired behind me; my leg broke and I'm now dragging my broken body to cover as I curse at the bastard on the roof.

I manage to get to safety inside one of the buildings in town where I meet another player. Exchanging greetings we realized we had everything to gain by sticking together as long as we could.

Fortune smiled upon us, we found enough supplies to last for a good while, but I was out of time. I had to leave and I was well aware that my chances of living was slim.

My final act before my new friend ran into a very hostile world was to give him my Winchester and all of my food and water. Save one ration so I could keep on going later on.

I can't remember his name, nor do I know what happened to him. I just hope it made a difference. :)

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I had a very similar exchange with two players, one was named Spork. I broke my leg and we were all in a house when they went out looking for a morphine and got engaged. Spork died but his friend lived and came running back in, I gave him my Double Barrel Shotgun and my slugs on one condition. He used the first on me. He killed me, as I wanted him to, ended up surviving the bandit and we regrouped later on down the road.

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