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King Compton

Ridiculous load times

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Seems to have stopped some unwanted behavior though.

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From launch to In-game, one minute tops.

Stop trying to play the game on a potato.

Like I said, I have a Gaming PC and can run the game max with no problems.

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Going back to April it could have take between 20+ mins to get ingame... That was long......

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It seems to be getting worse with every patch. Generally it now takes at least 5mins to sit on "loading" screen.

You can save the upgrade pc comments, of is beast.

This is really discouraging... :(

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In my experience it depends on the server. One server I frequently play on loads quickly, but other servers take like 5 minutes.

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Seems to have stopped some unwanted behavior though.

Its actually encouraging server hopping....since most people can't get on they are hopping around.

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