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Sometimes I'll be trying to find a decent server with third-person + daytime and until I find one I'll disconnect and connect to others until I find one but sometimes I get killed as I'm connecting by Friendly Fire and then I'll get spawned in Wilderness and then I disconnect and spawn in again on the shore with all my gear...


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It happened to me, i logged on my regular server i logged on it showed my bottom left i died then i spawned in wilderness with all my gear.. Sooo, i read in forums if u just jump servers ull be fine, well what i did i spawned on some island in Otmel so i swam ( luckly i didnt lose any gear ).. but i ran back sure enough i found myself saw myself dead on the other server lol. but its still an alpha. I had to run a long ways to find my friend, so i just laughed it off i almost died on the way.

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yea since the last patch update Teleporting has been a issue, I entered into the outskirts of elektro shot a zombie in the head and i unzooom and im a kilometer outside the east side of elektro

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