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Thedukey3 playing with hacker on stream

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Just so we're all on the same page here:

Your defense as to why you don't try to do anything to combat hackers is that you're afraid of them, but then you're telling me I take the game too seriously? Ok, noted.

And you're missing the point of my post entirely. I don't give a shit if you play alongside hackers/exploiters, or if you do or do not approve. I'm not saying you need to cover your name, or any of that shit, you can play the way you want.

What I said was that you know all of this goes on, and you know who these people are, but rather than come into this post (where you can already see Loganator is claiming he has never hacked, and never would, etc) and say "Yes, this guy is following me around and hacking, his name is ________ and he had _________." You just ignore the entire thing and claim ignorance.

You posted 5 times in this thread and didn't even acknowledge the actual topic, which is the fact that hundreds of people know there was a hacker there, and are trying to do something about it. Instead you took it as a personal attack on yourself and then cowered at the thought of trying to get this person banned from the game. Nobody is trying to get you banned, or wishes ill will upon you. I, personally, couldn't care less about you or your stream.

It wasn't the first time I've been killed in that manner and it won't be the last, by a long shot I'm sure, but the fact is that if you're going to play and stream (regardless of anything else) you can't come in here and act like you have no clue what is going on. If you're going to act that way, you should have just ignored the post entirely.

I give you credit for what you just posted, because that's what this thread needs to be about, it's just a shame that it took me calling you out in order to get a decent response from you.

What? I'm not afraid of shit in DayZ. I couldn't care if I died. I care if the server gets nuked when I'm on it. I would feel bad if something like that happened, or if more of what happened in the videos I posted kept going on.

If everyone knows something, then I don't need to acknowledge it? IF hundreds of people know its Logan, then you guys fucking know. I don't know the guy, I couldn't care if he gets banned, and I'm sure he doesn't mind either since he's actually hacking.

I don't bother posting this guy or that guy anymore. Want to know why? I messaged a developer regarding hacks, and with definitive prove of someone that was hacking and fucking with me in those videos. No response. Why? THEY DONT CARE EITHER. The developers can do NOTHING to combat hackers. If they could, they would of done it. The sad fact of the matter is, as the game becomes more popular, more people will hack it.

Calling out one person does absolutely nothing. I could change my profile name to Loganater, doesnt mean I'm him. Doesnt mean we know his GUID, or the server admin of BRA1 is coming in this thread with an IP address to report to the developers for a global ban. None of that is happening.

The sad part about it is, I've quickly become immune to them. I could give two shits if they are there, and if I die to them. Once again as I've stated many times, on stream and here.. which you seem to completely miss the point on. I would care if they ruined a server I was on because they got pissed at me. That would mean ruining the game for 30-50+ people, and that would be fucked up. So whats the next best thing to do? Kill them with kindness!! As stupid as it sounds, its worked, and he wasn't hostile for any reason. As stated, as far as I know, after HOURS of following me around.. you were the only person to be killed by him. If anything I deserve a medal for taming a hacker and keeping him as a pet. OMG SARCASM LETS TAKE THAT SERIOUSLY NOW!

I have more of a clue on whats going on that you obviously do, so wake the fuck up and stop acting like reporting someone here really does something. It MIGHT get him banned from BRA1, only if BRA1 admins actually manage to see this thread, and know how to find him exactly to ban him.

And this thread was a personal attack on me, its in the fucking thread name. I'm playing with a hacker on stream, making most assume I'm intentionally doing something wrong. People like to assume things before knowing facts. You seem to be doing that a lot Delta :) Its ok though, I <3 you as much as anyone else I run across in game!

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The only thing I assumed before posting in this thread was that you didn't give a shit about what everyone here was talking about, and from your responses it appears that I was 100% correct.

Yay me!

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The only thing I assumed before posting in this thread was that you didn't give a shit about what everyone here was talking about, and from your responses it appears that I was 100% correct.

Yay me!

Yes you win! I don't give a shit about this garbage thread with accusations being thrown out. Rather the thread should of been done properly, and reported the person actually doing the hacking. Not focusing on me. Its ok though, it's fun responding to stupid posts!


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Feel the love.

Edited by AADiC

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not to get into your bitchfest back and forth, but there were 2 more streams on today that aparently were on BRA1 and had a hacker find them in cherno, he was wearing what people said was a "Rocket" only skin playing some 80s music over the mic...the streamers and the guy with them eptied atleast a clip a piece into this guy and they guy didnt take damage. Maybe the admin of that server needs to start looking through logs and stuff and reporting the hacking.

and Ducky no offense but if battleeye and the DayZ teams didnt care about the hacking, we wouldnt see tons of threads posted in the ban apeals section about being banned

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not to get into your bitchfest back and forth, but there were 2 more streams on today that aparently were on BRA1 and had a hacker find them in cherno, he was wearing what people said was a "Rocket" only skin playing some 80s music over the mic...the streamers and the guy with them eptied atleast a clip a piece into this guy and they guy didnt take damage. Maybe the admin of that server needs to start looking through logs and stuff and reporting the hacking.

and DuKEY no offense but if battleeye and the DayZ teams didnt care about the hacking, we wouldnt see tons of threads posted in the ban apeals section about being banned

It doesn't do a good enough job. Doesnt matter if you kill a hacker. All you could do is possibly leave the server. If they have your GUID, they will find you regardless of name/server. If you kill them, they respawn and teleport to you.

BattleEye doesnt work good enough sadly.

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It doesn't do a good enough job. Doesnt matter if you kill a hacker. All you could do is possibly leave the server. If they have your GUID, they will find you regardless of name/server. If you kill them, they respawn and teleport to you.

BattleEye doesnt work good enough sadly.

we all know it doesnt do a good enough job, that doesnt mean they dont care. Im sure the Dayz staff can only do so much and the rest lies on battleeye

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we all know it doesnt do a good enough job, that doesnt mean they dont care. Im sure the Dayz staff can only do so much and the rest lies on battleeye

Also most of those bans are server ban appeals, not global appeals :) server bans dont really mean much

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Also most of those bans are server ban appeals, not global appeals :) server bans dont really mean much

thats because the global ban threads are closed and people are told to go to battleeyes site

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LOL sounds like thedukey3 got Delta's fans knickers in a twist :D

You do realise DeltaP42 that he would have owned your semi-geared butt pretty easily anyway having watched your stream compared to his. I think that's really the problem here, jealousy over skill :lol:

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Now u getting killed by a hacker over and over again you want an overlay for your stream? trololol Its not a problem as long they dont kill you ;) yeah yeah

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TLDR, everytime these ppl stream they have some sort of aid from hackers or exploiting server admins from spawning vehicles equipped and geared right near them and say "wheres the truck? drive the truck here and there" ive seen it before in servers, trucks and cars wayy out of bounds as far as the map can go stored there with full layouts of gear and they exploit them in to teleport them to a location they need them or else rather would that be the debug forest for saved vehicles? but nevertheless these popular streamers wouldint be "popular" had they not have any gear at any given time. so they definitely do have help or aid from something unatrual plain and simple. EVERYTIME they lost a l82aws they got a truck coming with 5 l82lws's and the truck is always round about and near to gear. switching server screens when they are blatantly playing and staring hard into the game. its not a matter fact "if" its a mtter fact "when" they do it. they need viewers and do you think the limitation to not exploiting matters to them in this angle? no. they want the viewers and they need the suspense to keep up with the pace to raise money. if they played legit they wouldint raise any money cause everyone thats playing in their server would put them up to a heavy and decent battle that gear would be lost at a WAY higher rate. i just dont second guess any of what i said one bit. its obvious they know hot to block streams with ss's and put it this way hate to break it to you but if you were in their shoes and wer able to get help from glitching admins or scripting hackers without ACTUALLY doing it yourself wouldint you accept that to gain money and raise it or make more $$$ ? after all YOU arent the one hacking... so why not? right? legitimate statement no joke. whole thread is a TLDR joke its all in the question as WHAT IF IT WERE YOU? indeed.

Edited by keyboardcat
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TLDR, everytime these ppl stream they have some sort of aid from hackers or exploiting server admins from spawning vehicles equipped and geared right near them and say "wheres the truck? drive the truck here and there" ive seen it before in servers, trucks and cars wayy out of bounds as far as the map can go stored there with full layouts of gear and they exploit them in to teleport them to a location they need them or else rather would that be the debug forest for saved vehicles? but nevertheless these popular streamers wouldint be "popular" had they not have any gear at any given time. so they definitely do have help or aid from something unatrual plain and simple. EVERYTIME they lost a l82aws they got a truck coming with 5 l82lws's and the truck is always round about and near to gear. switching server screens when they are blatantly playing and staring hard into the game. its not a matter fact "if" its a mtter fact "when" they do it. they need viewers and do you think the limitation to not exploiting matters to them in this angle? no. they want the viewers and they need the suspense to keep up with the pace to raise money. if they played legit they wouldint raise any money cause everyone thats playing in their server would put them up to a heavy and decent battle that gear would be lost at a WAY higher rate. i just dont second guess any of what i said one bit. its obvious they know hot to block streams with ss's and put it this way hate to break it to you but if you were in their shoes and wer able to get help from glitching admins or scripting hackers without ACTUALLY doing it yourself wouldint you accept that to gain money and raise it or make more $$$ ? after all YOU arent the one hacking... so why not? right? legitimate statement no joke. whole thread is a TLDR joke its all in the question as WHAT IF IT WERE YOU? indeed.

Yes its pretty obvious that some streamers have help from certain areas, and do not play in a legit way. Vehicle locations, restarting servers for vehicle spawns, items, when someone gets killed and is fully geared the next day when they start streaming again.. pretty obvious :P

No1 forces them to stream, you argument got killed...

I could care less if I lose my stuff, but I was being spawned items that I didnt want, nor earned in any way. So it disrupted my stream, so thats why I put the overlay up. death is meaningless to me in DayZ :) I die lots!

Edited by thedukey3
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