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(ANZ) Momiji wants Co-op!

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Greetings, after Lone Wolfing for what seems like forever with the occasional grouping with a friend once in a while i'm quite tired of running around by myself, not that i hate being solo, i usually prefer it but in this game, i'd like to experience the co-op side of it as well.

First a little about me.


I'd give myself a moderate rating, in experience, sneaking around is second nature (Soloing i tend to get impatient and run through to the nearest building with two exits). Map knowledge is generally decent, not to savvy with out lying towns and i've gotten lost on more than one occasion missing a landmark on the way to NW Airfield.

Aside from minor hiccups like that, getting around is pretty easy (Usually have to lead my friends who aren't good with maps to Cherno/Elektro to meet)


Primary: M1014 (Close-Combat) Backuo: Winchester (Zombie Slayer)

Secondary: Revolver (Zombie/Player Slayer)

Backpack: ALICE

Tools: Hunting Knife, Flashlight, Wacth, Hatchet, Matches, Military Flashlight.

Medical: 3 Blood Bags, 2 Morphine, 1 Epi-pen, 3 Painkillers, 4 Bandages.


I'm not a bandit in the full sense of the word, but i am very very paranoid and rather not take chances with people in-game (Strangers).

I spend a lot of time around NW Airfield and Stary looking for rare gear and heli crashes around the area, where i KOS as a precaution.

Unarmed players, Hatchet wielders i leave alone (Watching my back continously in case they flank after finding a gun)

Generally i let people live, unless i have good stuff, then i'm not trusting to anyone within 200m of me.

City looting is a case by case, i'm only ever in the cities if i'm spawning fresh and getting basic inland survival gear and then i don't care about death or life.


I'm located in Western Australia, GMT+8, Hours on (My time) are anywhere from 10am to 4am give or take, Most days aside from a few days i take off and have work, mainly Monday Nights.

Servers i usually play on are ANZ 1-4 depending on the time of day. 1 & 2 during the day and 3 & 4 at night to play at daytime in game, sometimes i do play night ingame to mix it up.

I can play reliably on New Zealand servers as well, US servers are difficult at 280-300ping mostly just getting around max ping settings.

What I'm looking for:

I'd prefer people who play on my preferred servers for the benfit of my ping and easier time figuring out play times. Joking around in ts/vent/mumble is fine but the moment a situation turns serious, all hands on deck is required, i don't want needless deaths, though fun is still the name of the game.

Also one thing, in writing this with my current gear, i'd prefer people with something to lose, sorry but teaming up with Mr Winchester/Enfield/Double while rocking my military weaponry and coyote is not an option to me. I have everything to lose, you have nothing, not that i'm attached to my gear, just i'd prefer losing it honorably than by a back stabber.

I'm 20 years old so 16+ is preferred, i hate dealing with kids in any game (Kid being 13 or lower) and i do swear a lot when i play games.

Single Players, Established Groups or Clans feel free to ask, if you'd have me of course. Single Players will be less desired, as the rate of back stabbing is still high.

Contact can be made here or on steam. Other contacts will be given after the get to know you period.

Steam: Kilala456

Thanks for reading the long post. It's long because i'm very serious about starting more co-op play and i feel a longer more in-depth post is better than a quick two lines.

Time of post: 1:14am, I may be retiring to bed in a few hours, play may not start today due to plans but setting up future play dates is always good.

Edited by Momiji

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Well organized for a co-op request. Feel free to add me on steam: SentimentalCucumber (don't laugh)

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I feel being organized and detailed portrays my interest better than a quick few lines. Also a personal thing i have with being neat with forum posts. Added but i did chuckle sorry.

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Retiring for the night, any messages will be responded to in the morning guaranteed.

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i would like to team up with you but i have like no gear sadly i got killed.. message me here or on steam: branhalo322

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Returning from bed, added you Brosiff.

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Random Death via Tree has pushed me back to the beginning, if anyone wishes to start fresh nows the time.

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Me and my friend are heading north. We are a few Ks out of S. Sobor with lee enfields, maps, bloodbags, morphine ect. We only play weekends though. We are pretty serious but also have a joke around at times. Add me on skype if you want to join the group

Skype: JimmyJK96

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I'll consider it, currently in Elektro finding hunting tools for the journey north.

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Added on Steam.

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Come on my teamspeak server i have 250 slots ready for all sorts of players playing dayz. Anyone welcome to come along and have a game with me and a few other guys i

play with, currently cruising around in a pack of about 8-10 regularly and all up we have 35 that play.

TS ip: ts36.gameservers.com:9324

No registation require and very friendly people

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Thank you both, currently i'm not playing for a few hours with other game commitments but i'll definitely swing by the TS and add you Vaughn.

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Hi, I'm an NZ player playing on thoses servers. Would be good to team up with people like yourself! You should add me on steam because I am struggling to find you on there. (my steam user: rwnrwn).

Edited by rwnrwn

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im fairly new to the game

but ive got some gear and im from nz

my skype is thebassdude1

oh and ive got a friend who would be interested too

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We are a clan looking for new members. We are 7-10 s trong and looking for more. We are mostly based in Au stralia and NZ. Visit www.locg.org to sign up and team up with us!!

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Nice write out, feel free to add me on steam if you ever need a little back up or a hand, more than willing to help people out in need and to give a fun and enjoyable time.

Steam - Coldcamv

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