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How much would you pay for a standalone?

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i would pay €100 if its gonna be as it is now but less buggy, better anti hacking and ofcourse some new content every now and then(maybe completly different maps so that you have multiple servers running different maps)

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For those of you wanting to pay in large numbers of beans you should read this http://www.thesimple...ive-comparison/

Your looking a very expensive game for 150 cans of beans haha

Personally I would around $35 for core game and $5 - $7.50 for additional map releases. althrough a one time fee of $40 - $50 would be fine with me once most of the bugs and glitches are ironed out. Or following the minecraft method where the price increases based on how far along development is and eventually reaches the $40 - $50 price point when the game is mostly glitch/bug free

That is also to say I would NOT pay for a monthly or yearly subscription. Nor would I do free to play .. I mean pay to win. I'd end up pirating the game and playing on hacked private servers before I would pay a monthly subscription.

Edited by painfulleap1

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I'd buy it for as much as any normal game is... $60.00

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will it be moddable?

without mods: no sale

with mods: 20, perhaps 25 swiss francs

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I'd gladly pay ~€30 and ~€3,95 a month but only with guarenteed stable servers/uptime

Edited by Shadirrasda

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I'd pay 50 bucks or 60 up to 80 for a special edition provided the product was in the hands of developers with the resources to balance, polish and expand the game in a way that would allow the product to grow as the community grows.

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I already spent money on ARMA:CO. I would only buy standalone if it was a one-time payment, and all other addons/expansions were free. Minecraft method, simply. I would spend the money to get it, if it is as I stated it. But not a WOW method. I already spent money for a game to play this, so I would be kinda angry if I had to spend alot just to get this. If it was 20-30 USD, I would get it.

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How much would you pay for Obama riding a unicorn at your next birthday party?

I to have an imagination that attaches price tags to things!

Real talk, imaginary pricing is stupid without knowing what content it would contain

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