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Nitrous (DayZ)

Make the game less realistic!

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Rocket, I'm so dissapointed in how damn realistic this game is. With that in mind, heres some suggestions:

* Crysis style invisibility suit.

* Replace Makarov starter pistol with a self replenishing laser cannon.

* Make tanks repairable vehicles that spawn every 5 minutes within 50m of all player spawn points. The repair parts should be in a box no more than 25m from the tank itself.

* Make the rain into acid rain that melts zombies and give us acid rain protection suits.

* Allow us to carry nine weapons and unlimited ammunition.

* Allow us to un-mount the miniguns from chopper wrecks so we can then re-mount them onto cars allowing death race 2000 style racing competitions around the map.

* Introduce care packages like in COD, with the pinnacle being a nuclear delivery package at 25 murders.

* Add Ninja Assassins to the mod! These guys randomly jump down at you from trees with their super ninja swords and attempt to decapitate you!

* Add "Dance" emotes.

Inspiration for these ideas came from various other threads so I cant take full credit for them.

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Plus' date=' there is a "Bad Suggestion" thread already.


There probably is m8, although I've missed it. The amount of genuinely stupid suggestions I've seen on here has me scratching my head though. Some are that stupid it's difficult to tell if they're trolling or not.

I thought I'd be a bit more obvious.

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Some people seem to want a Stalker MMO. Don't they know they're already making one of those?

I think the Stalker comparisons/mentions this mod gets is credit to Rocket and his team. They have done a brilliant job of replicating the kind of feel that Stalker has, which is part of the reason why I love Day Z.

I couldnt use that as a troll though, as I can admit that I have been playing Day Z and thought "This as a Stalker mod would be pretty amazing". I just know that thoughts should sometimes stay as just that.

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Nitrous, I applaud your post.

Raised a smile from me.

A shame the internet seems to have lost its sense of humour nowadays :(

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less realistic?? dude this is ARMAAAA.

bad suggestions...

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less realistic?? dude this is ARMAAAA.

bad suggestions...

Comon man' date=' self replenishing laser cannons and super sneaky ninja assassins that jump from trees are long over due in ARMA!!!

AND DANCE EMOTES!!!! Everyone needs dance emotes!

Are you retarded? Im going to assume you are kidding and forgo the insults.

The force is so obviously strong with you!

I like battleships' date=' can you add battleships too?


They would have to be battleships that fire sharks with laser beams attached to their heads though. Otherwise adding them would ruin immersion.

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Akimbo K-9 units with shoulder mounted yogurt cannons.

This is more like it!

This is the kind of realism that needs adding to Day-Z!

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AND DANCE EMOTES!!!! Everyone needs dance emotes!

Dancing around the corpse of an enemy? This would be just ultra-realistic.

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Gregor, lets take it one step further and get Rocket to introduce desecration!

Were guys, were lonely and horny and theres no women in Chern, get in there while the corpse is still hot if you get my meaning ;)

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I laughed. People need to lighten up.

Should get Gunblades from Final Fantasy imo.

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