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Nex (DayZ)

Vehicles? Who needs 'em

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So, we (not everyone from our group, excluding me) decided to start over, basically respawn on the coast, with no gear. Before that, our Ural got stolen, so we decided to just get rid off our cars and start over anyways, because it was starting to get boring, because we had around 12 vehicles, amazing gear, NVGs, GPSs, Rangefinders, M107s/AS50s, M4 SDs, M9SDs, etc. So here's a clip showing, few of my groupies destroying all the vehicles we had. Short clip, hope you like it.


Edited by Nex

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I personally think driving around in a vehicle is asking to get shot. I remember walking out of a forest with 4 of my team mates, and we started shooting and lighting up two people in a Van that were aiming their guns at us, as they tried to get away.

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It's amazing how you guys hit the barracks enough to find 3 m107s but not one AT4. You can put them in your backpack you know :)

Nice video, I've always thought it would be funny to donate vehicles to people on the shore.

Edited by icomrade

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It's amazing how you guys hit the barracks enough to find 3 m107s but not one AT4. You can put them in your backpack you know :)

Nice video, I've always thought it would be funny to donate vehicles to people on the shore.

Not all of them were, find, some fire arms were looted from others we shot down.

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lol what a waste of ammo.

you know those vehicles will just come back full health in the same place after a server restart right?

and what a bunch of retards, stashing the vehicles off map so noone can have them, getting bored and trying to blow them up.

go park them cherno or do something usefull with them.

Edited by okano

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lol what a waste of ammo.

you know those vehicles will just come back full health in the same place after a server restart right?

and what a bunch of retards, stashing the vehicles off map so noone can have them, getting bored and trying to blow them up.

go park them cherno or do something usefull with them.

We switched servers anyways, so even if they respawn they're going to disappear after 24hrs. And actually our URAL got taken, so you're wrong, people can find them and take it.

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You should of parked a veichle out in the open, get an AS50 and troll snipe people who gets in it.

Note mine but it's pretty funny:

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