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Can some give me some advice?

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I have been playing this game for the last two or three hours and can't seem to find a way to get three feet away from my spawn point before getting jumped by zombies. I know the game is a slow pace game but seriously? One time I too like 15mins standing at spawn, haven't moved a muscle looking all around making sure there are no zombies. I literally take 1 step and get attacked by a zombie that I have no idea where it came from. Is there someone my missing or doing wrong? I have even tried crouching and going prone as a form of movement and same results. I know its slow pace game just can't get out of spawn.

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That's odd... I've found that zombies haven't been that smart at all lately.

I can usually sneak right behind them by crouch walking.

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Once they spot you, best to get moving fast. Crouch run or just flat out stand and run.

Then look for large, open buildings. Run in one end and out the other.

Run up a steep hill. They will only come up slowly.

Run into the branches of pine trees, once you're hidden, start walking, then crouch, and move out the other side of the brush. They will lose you.

I would say you should give yourself an hour or two just to practice zombie tactics and resign yourself to dying to learn what to do during that period.

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