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Kidnapping on DayZ

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So, me and some friends decided to do something different.

Instead of killing the newbies, we kidnap them. This makes the game a bit more fun for new guys, and gives them an head start because it's easier to get guns if you got help.

We found two guys at the lighthouse outside Kamenka and decided to start our new campaign here. Started shooting and killed one of the guys in the lighthouse, this made the other one willing to come down and get in our UAZ. Fortunately his friend respawned a few hundred meters away...

The two friends we now had in our car was Nolspls and Son Of Liberty. We later found Fosi aswell, but he chickened out on the way to the NE-Airfield.

So, what did we do?

We took the new guys to SE airfield, and later to the NW Airfield and also found a choppercrash. This was when we decided not to kill the new guys, but help them insted. They got one FN FAL, and an M14 with ammo.

(The FAL-guy later switched to a AKM, guess that says alot..)

After we lootet the NW airfield we went to a nearby village to say goodbye. This we did by killing all the zombies around us, and the ones spawning after with high powered rifles. Unfortunately one of the new guys got stuck in the crossfire and bleed to death. This meant it would be bad manners to drop him of so far away from the coast.

We drove down to the lighthouse and dropped of him by his now respawned friend. We gave them ammo and loot and then decided to have a goodbye "party"....

Some of the story can be seen in this clip. I could not get all of it (Mostly driving from one place to another), but you will get a pretty good idea both how you guys can do this in the foture, and how we did it.




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Haha. Nice to hear you guys talking about us having the perfect chance to kill you. We came to the exact same topic at one point.

Thanks for this priceless experience. :lol:

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Haha. Nice to hear you guys talking about us having the perfect chance to kill you. We came to the exact same topic at one point.

Thanks for this priceless experience. :lol:

Haha yeah ;) Atleast you didnt hear when some of us begged the other to kill you...*Hrm* :bandit:

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Man I wish I could have been kidnapped when I spawned :(

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Man I wish I could have been kidnapped when I spawned :(

Well...our (...my) first thought was to let them go into the hangar and throw a grenade in there, so you might not have been so lucky as theese guys :D

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Well...our (...my) first thought was to let them go into the hangar and throw a grenade in there, so you might not have been so lucky as theese guys :D

I probably looted a grenade then through at a group of you and take the rest out, yea I'm a dirty bandit lol

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dude this is so funny.....this is why i play dayz and i love it with all of its bugs/glitches....etc :D

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I probably looted a grenade then through at a group of you and take the rest out, yea I'm a dirty bandit lol

We first had a barrel of a gun permanently pointed at our heads. They stopped handling us that strictly after we did not shoot at them with the rifles they gave us.

My buddy was very tempted to shoot them all in the back for the epic lewts as they kept being very negligent. It would have been the best f**king loot for us yet.

(I still have the M14 with lots of ammo :D)

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We first had a barrel of a gun permanently pointed at our heads. They stopped handling us that strictly after we did not shoot at them with the rifles they gave us.

My buddy was very tempted to shoot them all in the back for the epic lewts as they kept being very negligent. It would have been the best f**king loot for us yet.

(I still have the M14 with lots of ammo :D)

I have a M107 and a M1A4 CCO in my cyote backpack :P

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We first had a barrel of a gun permanently pointed at our heads. They stopped handling us that strictly after we did not shoot at them with the rifles they gave us.

My buddy was very tempted to shoot them all in the back for the epic lewts as they kept being very negligent. It would have been the best f**king loot for us yet.

(I still have the M14 with lots of ammo :D)

Well, just a..heads up if you would have done that :D

(I am happy myself that you did not shoot us, get happy every time i see you guys on the server =))

We had some problems within the group with a new member that gave our cords for our camp to another group.

One of his friends got to our camp and stole one of our traktors, and blew up the other one up.

A day later this guy recieved a 50-cal shot in the arse by myself and lost both all of his loot, and the traktor..:D

"You don't mess with LU128" or something like that, we just trying to be friendly overall to new playsers =) "Treat others like you would like to be treated" or something like that :)

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Am I the only one who thought the "party" was about killing the people they kidnapped? Just me? Ok...

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