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Uk player looking for players to team up with

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Hey i have just recently downloaded the game and only had half an hour to play it so not very well experianced just yet but as i put in the title im looking to relaxed players to just have a laugh with on this game anyone who is interested add me

Steam id : Spladdock

Skype id : Spladdock

Cheers hope to hear from people soon :)

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UK Player here, also looking for players to roll with. Add me on steam.


Edited by Phobea

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my steam is playing up at the moment do you have skype instead Batuhan?

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Feel free too come and join my group, where a pretty big group of chilled out guy's. We have are own server and teamspeak.

our server is UK117

our teamspeak is eurots6.gameservers.com:9167

Come and see what you think.


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