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Crashes to desktop every 2 mins....

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I've been reading through these forums for like a whole day trying to fix my problem and I can only find bits and pieces of information. I can play for about 5 mins then after every minute or so it crashes to the desktop. I managed to find out somewhere in the forums that if you press esc and then alt + enter twice it fixes it, which it does it's just really really annoying. Plus if you're being chased by a zombie and it crashes, well, the zombie catches you obviously.

I've tried running the game on the lowest graphics possible but I have a fairly decent pc. I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to hardware but I can run any game out at the moment no problems.

I've updated my graphics cards drivers. I've tried re-installing dayz. No luck.

I'm running it on steam too if that helps....

Can someone help me out here? I just want to play the game -_-

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