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Short fun with stats

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- With 3.410.047km walked, we walked 85 times around the earth but barely a bit more than 5km per individual on average.

- For every ten survivors, bit more 9 died. This is a 90% mortality ratio, almost similar to some cases of the Ebola virus or the Marburg virus which makes the "Agent Smith" quote truer than ever: "A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague and we are the cure"

- With 104.484 murders, we have an homicide rate of 16% (not counting the death of outlaws I think). This is more than 300 times the homicide rate in the US and yet only slightly more than Lithuania's ratio of death during the WW2 where 14% of their entire population died.

- Counting all bandits, we have a 10% criminality rate. For some sort of comparison, let's say all these bandits were jailed, that would be 3 times the ratio of the US which is 3.7% of it's adult population being incarcerated, the highest in the world and of course very few of them are murderers. (around 50% for violent crime in state prisons).

- With close to 9 million zombie killed, we already cleared more than 10% of France's population, close to 3% of the US population, then entire population of Austria, more than twice the entire population of Croatia, or close to 3 times the population of Lithuania!! All in all, so far, we pretty much should have totally cleared out a small country of zombies.

- That said, it's only 0.6% of the population of China, which is a country you do NOT want to be in should the zombie apocalypse come!!

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And we've played over: 27 years' date=' 4 months, 15 days. (10,000 days.)


So patch 1.5.8 should be called what? Dayz: 28 years? :)

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And we've played over: 27 years' date=' 4 months, 15 days. (10,000 days.)


So patch 1.5.8 should be called what? Dayz: 28 years? :)

28 Years later. This is the sequel to those films.

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I would love to get a map of all the deaths plotted across Chernarus. I'd be interested to know where the most deadly places in the game are.

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I would love to get a map of all the deaths plotted across Chernarus. I'd be interested to know where the lost deadly place in the game are.

Yea would be really cool. Should be easy to do if they log the x/y/z position of each deaths, though not sure if they do. If they release raw stats someday I'm sure some folks will go nuts on it and do awesome graphs and maps and the like :)

edit: Hmm, since corpses spawn when someone dies and there is a "study" corpse function, this should actually be real easy, just a matter of pulling out raw data. Maybe something we'll see in the far future.

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I want to see more stat porn like that, with maps and graphs :D

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And we've played over: 27 years' date=' 4 months, 15 days. (10,000 days.)


Thats a lot of hours.

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