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Son of Liberty

[VIDEO] We have been kidnapped

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Yesterday I played some DayZ with my buddies, as all of a sudden some crazy people kidnapped two of us. :D

Unfortunetely I turned on Fraps too late and couldn't record the very first situations. Afaik these guys also were recording. I hope they post it here sometime.. maybe.

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Awesome! I like how they forced you to stick up with them and taught you some things.. that's a nice gameplay.

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Glad that you dont shot them in the Back when u could! Nice Video :)

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"You remember that day we were abducted by rapist farmers" lol!

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Awesome but, if possible next time try to put some subtitles for your german chitchat :)

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That's gameplay and immersion. Das gefällt mir. :D

Awesome but, if possible next time try to put some subtitles for your german chitchat :)

It's not that important, they just comment the situation.

Edited by Testificate

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Awesome but, if possible next time try to put some subtitles for your german chitchat :)

I add them later maybe.

But Testificate is right, it's not that important. Basically we were talking about killing them from behind and why it's better not to do this. :D

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