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Pretty please with sugar on top...

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... implement a feature that prevents people to DC in combat. I'm not a dedicated player hunter/killer but I don't shy away from PvP, especially around the hot zones. But over the last couple of weeks I've noticed a trend that every single time I engage in PvP my opponents simply DC. When I started playing in early May I had plenty of epic shootouts with other survivors, and greatly enjoyed this aspect of DayZ.

As it is right now, PvP is completely borked.

I know: Alpha. That's cool, I know that rocket is working hard on this baby. Still: PvP and the player interaction is the very core of this game, and this core at the moment simply doesn't work as intended. I couldn't care less about vehicles, body temperature and bear traps as long as the PvP is just not fun.

So pleaaaaase: implement something like a 20-second timer that freezes a player once he DCs from the game. AND a 20 second freeze on entering. Sounds harsh? Well, don't log off/in in the middle of Cherno or in the airfield barracks...

Edited by ParaB

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You've answered your own question mate: It's in alpha. Rocket is on it.

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10-15 seconds DC timer works for me.

Or insta-kill anyone that tries to disconnect after taking a bullet, or firing a bullet. I've lost tons of kills because I took the player down, but they DC unconscious and get away without enough health to survive, but steal away my potential loot and my kill.

Had a friend get killed by 3 players. He found them again a few minutes later, and was unarmed, and died again. Luckily I was in the area and sped towards that spot to find the 3 players crawling away. I fired on them, hit 2 and they all DC'd without even trying to return fire. Thier fine with killing people, but couldn't take it when someone fought back.


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I'd do it the EVE Online way.

You can DC in combat, but your player avatar stays behind, easy meat for anyone pursuing you. This would work if you're being chased by zombies too, you can log off, but you're avatar is going to get knawed on easily.

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