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5th Element Squad officially launched!

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Hello young and old members!

A few days ago I decided to buy arma and have a go at the DayZ mod.

It was pretty obvious the game would be much more enjoyable with a group of friends, so I made the Teamspeak server public and announced it on the forums.

I never expected it to be such a huge succes, people from all around the globe came on and we had amazing runs with around 15 people on at once.

The slots on the teamspeak server is going to be increased to handle all those enthusiasts out there.

As our organisation ingame increased and we're slowly setting up permanent camps, we decided to to make this a bit more official and form a official squad.

Our TS server will still be open to public, so nothing changes to the possibility of just hanging out with a few friends, your now simply able to get a bit more out of it should you be inclined to do so.

A server group was added to the TS server, so you can now reconize our members by their [5th] tag, wich we will also use ingame.

A short list of our current fouding members (Not updated)

- Drasqo / Justin

- Mistermenphis22 / Kevin

- Pickals

- Bane

- John

- iFoozy / Marcus

- Comanche Brave

- Dan

- Devrax

- JimMountain

- Yin

Feel free to visit us at any time!

Our Teamspeak Server: ts3.instantvchat.com:10918

Our Website: www.5thelement.torlaunch.com

Our Forum: www.5thelement.forumsmotion.com

Our application thread: http://5thelement.fo...tion-thread#137 (Basically a small introduction if you're willing to join, our only requirements are some common sense and maturity)

Edited by Drasqo
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I am very new to this game and am looking for anyone to play with.

I'm 19 and a college student and while studying for my major I can say I have had to mature quite a bit to keep up with all of the things going on around me at the same time. I don't have TS but I can give you my steam and skype and would be willing to get teamspeak as well if needed.

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Also fairly new to the game playing solo, but would love to play with a group of others and make some friends along the way hopefully. I am 25 years old from the east coast. I do have TS so after i post this ill probably jump on and chat for a few if you dont mind?

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Hi there Othra and Ishaye, you're both more than welcome to join us.

Just hop on our TS and join the fun.

Would be nice if you could get TS Othra, since it's our main program for communication.

hope to see you guys soon

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Pickals da doc!

Teamspeak 3 slots now upgraded!

Everyone still welcome :), we're currently cruising around on some atv's.

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can i also join the party? i am from the netherlands

plzz reply and give me some information about the team and stuff like with what do you talk skype or?

Edited by grandegross

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On which server do u and the group plays?? i would be interrested .

Edited by Migfighter

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I did reply kronik :)

We're currently on US 303 Dallas

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Replied to your application on our forums gigglez ;)

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Why yesh, in fact, thish man wash playing with ush last night.


Edited by JimMountain
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Currently in the process of voting on seperate squads and shaping up the organisation.

New members can vote too!

- [sQDLDR] Squad leader (Max: 1)

- [sCT] Scout (Max: 2)

- [AST] Assault (Max: 4)

- [MDC] Medic (Max: 2)

- [sNP] Sniper (Max: 2)

- [LST] Last man (Max: 1)

(Max squad size: 12)

Role descriptions, main items, requirements and difficulty

Squad Leader

- Description:

A squad leader will be in command of his or her squad and carries the responsebility over it's members.

He/she will assign objectives and takes the decision when situations occur.

After taking the members preferred role into consideration the squad leader will assign the final position one's gonna take within his/her own squad.

- Priority items:

A map and binoculars.

- Requirements

Must be a member of 5TH for quite some time, and have a excellent overall knowledge of DayZ, clan tactics, procedures and rules.

(Weekly evaluation)

- Difficulty:



- Description:

Most of the time the scout will be up front leading the squad to its objective.

His focus relies mainly on the terrain ahead but also keeps a eye on the squad and make sure they dont fall too far behind.

He can also initiate a stack up. (Before crossing a road, at the next tree line etc)

It is his responsebility to always pick good concealed spots for this.

- Priority items:

A map, compass, navigation system, Lee Enfield and binoculars

- Requirements:

Good sense of direction, excellent knowledge of the DayZ map and city names.

- Difficulty:



- Description:

This role is the one with the least responsebility's and as such will be most commonly assigned to new members.

Your main task is to keep an eye on your given sector aswell as your squad members.

Your the main strike force upon contact but will also be assigned as protection to forward scouts or the sniper.

- Priority items:

Assault rifles + Extra ammunition

- Requirements:

Active enthusiasm for learning the skills and drills.

- Difficulty:




A medic is a vital part of any squad, taking care of all health related issues.

Priority items:

Bandages, Blood bags, Morphine, painkillers,epi-pens and side-arms.


Must have a quick reaction and have independant characteristics, as he can be send out to rescue nearby units under hostile circumstances

When a wounded member is not nearby, a assault member will be assigned for protection

- Difficulty:



- Description:

A sniper is the long range shooter of the squad, often keeping overwatch while the rest performs their tasks.

- Priority items:

Sniper rifles, silenced weapons and a watch

- Requirements:

Patience, independant characteristics, good vocal communication and a excellent knowledge of the terrain surrounding cities.

- Difficulty:


Last man

- Description:

The last man is the second in command, he covers the squad's rear end and keeps a overview on the squad.

He can initiate a stack up and a 360, and will give the last man check to the scout before he moves out.

He also keeps track of the squad's food and drink level.

In certain scenario's, the squad leader may decide to split up into 2 groups.

In this case the last man assumes the role of the squad leader over this group.

- Priority items:

Larger backpack, food, drinks

- Requirements:

Clear and short communication, leading capabilities, good knowledge of clan tactics.

- Difficulty:


Important notes

We still keep the public channel aswell, and designated squads will only occur when there are alot of people online.

In no way should this evolvement break up the clan in half.

When this is voted a go, we will start out with 2 squads: Alpha and Bravo

Im taking care of the first squad myself, and the bravo squad leader will be democraticly voted upon those who volunteer and think their up to the task.

There will be a squad leader application thread where you can convince others why you think you make a great squad leader.

The reason why I am assigning myself to the alpha squad is because I intend to rotate the roles within the squad anyhow.

However, and this may be the most important note of all..

No matter what role you vote upon or get selected for, everyone remains EQUAL.

A higher difficulty role does not mean your a better or more favored person in any way.

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Hey, you posted on my post. Yep I would be interested to join up. How do I go about doing so? Is there a specific time zone, language and stuff that is required?

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There is a link in the first post to the application thread.

Just sign up to the forums and drop a message there (Signup is required so you can be added to a usergroup wich gives you acces to the members only forums) and hop on our teamspeak

There is no specific timezone, as we got players from all around the globe, there are always a couple members on around the clock.

Although it's not neccesary a requirement per se, it is highly advised you are able to get a microphone and the program teamspeak, wich can be downloaded for free.

We only talk english on our public channels, so i guess thats a requirement.

It doesn't matter if your good at it or not, as long as its understandable. :)

Hope to see you soon

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