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Ok So When I launch Combined Operations with DayZ Through steam, I have version 1.60 (Almost EVERY server has version 1.61). But when I launch through the DayZ Beta Patch I Have the version 1.61 but I get the error "Deleted.Chernarus" From not lauching combined operations. So How do I launch Combined Operations with DayZ and the Beta patch? I've been trying to play this mod all day but just keep running into more and more problems. :(

Please Help Me.



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if you havent got the six launcher i should get it. it is on the download page of DayZmod.com

second of all you could use some startup parameters like this: -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash -skipintro

this will not only get you to the dayzmod but it also skips the intro and removes the splash screen for a faster startup it that it just aditional ( if you dont want it remove -nosplash and -skipintro).

maybe you can verivy your steam files and your steam cache.

if you want to launch arma 2 with the steam overlay WITH six launcher you should have a look at this: http://forums.steampowerehttp://forums.steamp...showthread.php?

here is like the same but a little diferent

  • Navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\
  • Rename ArmA2OA.exe or move it to a backup folder.
  • Locate the beta ArmA2OA.exe in the \Expansion\beta folder, copy and paste it to the main folder where the original exe was.
  • Open Six launcher and press options in the right bottom corner
  • at additional startup parameters and add "-beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion" without the quotes(you can add -nosplash and -skipintro and any other)
  • Launch ARMA 2: OA as a normal from six launcher (press a server and dubble click or press join)
  • you can get a warning about that you have the beta enabled and also launching trough steam, just press ok
  • if you get like an error saying something about 9d or 3d render orso you failed doing the steps above.

i hope this helped


Edited by HurriCnz

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Still Getting the Exact Same Error and I did all the steps you said. I'm launching it through six launcher put in the exact code and it still come up with the same error.

Edited by iSaucyz

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