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Korosh Is Here

Waiting for Host

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Every single server I attempt to connect to only goes to the first screen displaying "Waiting for Host" in white text over a black background. I simply don't advance past this screen. This happened after I connected to a server and was told I was killed immediately, but showed no YOU ARE DEAD screen, so I disconnected and haven't been able to join a server since.

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i get the Waiting for host after i updated to 94945.

Then after countless of times trying to connect i read a message somewhere saying u shouldnt upgrade to that version (nice if u release it first and make such comment later :P )

but anyway i tried degrading to the earlier version, didn work

try to overwrite http://uk1.dayz.nu/latest/ the anim and code rar on existing files

tried deleting the whole beta folder

tried deleting whole dayz folder and reinstall

still i get the waiting for HOST :(

im mad bro.....

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I downgraded to the beta version right before 94945, but first deleting the beta folder. It deleted my entire profile, but now at least I can play. I only recommend this process if you don't mind starting over and/or your account is currently shitty enough that restarting wouldn't hurt too much.

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