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Looking to team up (East Coast USA)

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I'm an experienced FPS gamer based in the East Coast of the US. I'm trying to find a few other like-minded gamers, either as an informal group or an actual clan. I just got Combined Arms yesterday but have been watching the development process and watching live streams and YouTube videos for a couple weeks. I've been fairly successful as a lone wolf, but I think the game would be more fun in a small-to-medium sized group.

If there's a group of cool, funny, and not-too-serious survivors who want to group up, let me know. I'd like to play with likeminded 20-somethings. I've got Skype and can get Teamspeak, Vent, or Mumble in a flash.

SKYPE: mattc0m

STEAM: mattc0m

Let me know!



Edited by Mattc0m

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I am a fairly new but otherwise moderately experienced pc FPS gamer. I'm definetly not serious and pretty funny for the most part. I'm 19 and have skype and steam all that.

Skype : euphoric.night

Steam : kaos0704

hit me up and we'll try to survive

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Still looking for some people! I am starting to play, will likely be on for the majority of the day. Let's do this.

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I'll play if you want . I live on the East Coast ... Have some experience ... add me on skype : otis606

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created this account cause i was looking for people to finally team up with.

had some nice gear but i went on vaca got reset. am building new, but got a kobra and a pack

ive never shot on site

id like to team up with some people who like to explore, im not much of a camper

im on the east coast but i play random hours quite frequently





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heya, im 18 and from eastern Canada so our time difference shouldnt be too much. Im also looking for a small group to play with.

Steam: Cleats

Skype: ultimatecleats

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