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Displaying User Disconnects?

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So with the latest update out (1.7.2) our server's admin team was looking into server settings and happened across the onUserConnected="" in the server.cfg file. What would be the script to make it so when a user leaves it tells the whole server, something akin to the error messages from bad .pbo files and users losing connections.

Enabling this message would help greatly with combating "night-crawlers" and "combat-loggers" as it would give a instant report when some one left instead of watching the lobby for players.

I'm trying to make sure this would conform to the rules set by the dayz devs, and not cause any problems. Information on the subject is almost non-existent.

what i have found:




None of these links really help.

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This would also be helpful to see when a person who just disconnected on you after you shot him tries to reconnect behind you etc. Disconnecting and connecting would be less anonymous and I believe this would help deter people from doing it at least a little bit.

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this is good. but dont know how well you can police with it. e.g. as i was logging off i heard bullets whizz past, would look like a combat DC in logs but it was just chance...

But at least the people in the fight will know that the person has dced

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There are situations where players have been mistakenly banned due to a error in our ability to read the lobby screen, that's why we have a appeals system on our dedicated forums. And, yes, even with the addition of disconnect messages, mistakes can still be made. But, if you are in a fire fight and you see the player disappear right in front of you, then you would instantly see the disconnect message. If two names showed up you would have to make your decision from there.

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