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Axe murder

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I killed someone with a axe today, Wow!!!! for some reason I got chills using a axe to kill a player. Maybe it was the noise from hitting his body over and over while his bones were breaking, I don't think I'm going to do that again, lol. Anyone else feel bad after killing a player with a axe.

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I hope whoever did this to me is reading this, because it scared the crap out of me.

I was in a server with 6 other people, north east of prigorodki behind a bush waiting for a friend to meet me. I alt + tabed to quickly check something, and then I thought I should probably abort to lobby instead of sitting in a bush in case someone is around. So I go back in game and press escape. Just as I'm about to hit the 'abort' button I hear footsteps very close, then out of nowhere someone starts swinging at me with an axe. I run backwards, try to aim in my AS50 before I realise that isn't going to work. So I just unleash half a clip into him hoping that I'll hit him with one bullet. I did. I checked his corpse, and he had lots of different equiptment. Map, compass, 2 STANAG clips, 3 clips of M1911, food and water. It seems to me like he was an actual axe murderer. Needless to say, I needed a change of pants after this.

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