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A request from Rocket/Dayz Crew

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Well earlier today, i found a Heli crash had a M107 2 clips, and 2 L85 AWS, i picked the M107 up and put it in my coyote backpack with the 2 clips replacing the M24 i previously had, and i replaced my M4A1 CCO with one of the AWS, i then left and logged out, about 30 mins later, i logged back in and i was back at the Heli crash site, my AWS was once again a M4A1 CCO and the m107 became a M24 and it wasnt a roll back because i had 4 clips for the M24 and dropped them when i picked up the m107 but when i logged in the ammo was where the M107 clips were but were M24 shots, so it converted not rolled me back, and i noticed the other AWS was still there, so i picked it up, over 2 hours later, ample time for my char to save, i logged out in a safe location, logged back in, there was no gun in my primary slot, also my Large Coyote backpack had become a Alice pack with a bunch of random ass gear, so i assume i merged with another person and got his backpack, later on i died, so what i would like to know from the staff.

Once you fix the AWS and the Suits, i was wondering if you could give me back the following that i lost due to bugs (inb4 ITS IN ALPHA, i really dont care, i want my stuff back that i didnt lose legit)

1 L85 AWS


1 Large Coyote Backpack

1 Tent in backpack

2 Ghillie suits i picked up from the Cher Appartments

the rest of the stuff i could give a crap about, i can find that again, but i would really love to have a working AWS that i can lose legit, if i die that my problem, i can accept that, but a random gun bug that is NOT my fault, that i dont accept, so i would please like the return of the things i lost due to bugs.

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its Alpha, its happened to more then you....hes not gonna waste his time. Don't get attached to your gear. I lost an AS50 that disappeared while moving it to an empty alice pack....im not complaining

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Yeaaa... Nice thread and all, but I GURANTEEE they won't refund items; that's why the game is in Alpha, so they don't need to do things like that :P.

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To quote the devs on this subject :


Edited by DarkRaven123

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First of all, fuck you Alpha sayers, get a new quote to spam, second to all you butthurt kids, i could care less about your opinions, i want my shit back that i found legit, and used legit, but was taken because of a game that has bugs, yea its Alpha but its still a game and my stuff is dissapearing for no reason, in ANY other game if that happened i would get my stuff back, but your saying because hes so high and mighty he wont? well if he thinks that way then he doesnt deserve the many people who join this game hoping to have a good time, because i sure as hell dont have a good time when i spend MY time playing his game, finding good gear, and then having it all go away because of that shit, so no i wont accept that, soon as they fix the bugs i want my stuff back, if i get my stuff back then i have no problem supporting this game, hell if the staff actually listen to players i would donate to them, i would do whatever i can to help them, but if they ignore bugs that piss people off, no i wont support them, and neither will many other people.

I for one am sick of bugs and sick of hackers, fix that shit or dont make the game. 4 broken patches in a row is retarded.

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First of all, fuck you Alpha sayers, get a new quote to spam, second to all you butthurt kids, i could care less about your opinions, i want my shit back that i found legit, and used legit, but was taken because of a game that has bugs, yea its Alpha but its still a game and my stuff is dissapearing for no reason, in ANY other game if that happened i would get my stuff back, but your saying because hes so high and mighty he wont? well if he thinks that way then he doesnt deserve the many people who join this game hoping to have a good time, because i sure as hell dont have a good time when i spend MY time playing his game, finding good gear, and then having it all go away because of that shit, so no i wont accept that, soon as they fix the bugs i want my stuff back, if i get my stuff back then i have no problem supporting this game, hell if the staff actually listen to players i would donate to them, i would do whatever i can to help them, but if they ignore bugs that piss people off, no i wont support them, and neither will many other people.

I for one am sick of bugs and sick of hackers, fix that shit or dont make the game. 4 broken patches in a row is retarded.

No you don't seem to understand.

It's alpha :/

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First of all, fuck you Alpha sayers, get a new quote to spam, second to all you butthurt kids, i could care less about your opinions, i want my shit back that i found legit, and used legit, but was taken because of a game that has bugs, yea its Alpha but its still a game and my stuff is dissapearing for no reason, in ANY other game if that happened i would get my stuff back, but your saying because hes so high and mighty he wont? well if he thinks that way then he doesnt deserve the many people who join this game hoping to have a good time, because i sure as hell dont have a good time when i spend MY time playing his game, finding good gear, and then having it all go away because of that shit, so no i wont accept that, soon as they fix the bugs i want my stuff back, if i get my stuff back then i have no problem supporting this game, hell if the staff actually listen to players i would donate to them, i would do whatever i can to help them, but if they ignore bugs that piss people off, no i wont support them, and neither will many other people.

I for one am sick of bugs and sick of hackers, fix that shit or dont make the game. 4 broken patches in a row is retarded.

Who's butthurt did you say? :P

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Oh please. I've lost much much much more than you to bugs. Get over it, if you don't want to deal with bugs in a game thats in ALPHA then come back when the game is finished. Also, they aren't going to give you any of your stuff back.

I just read that second post you made, you are extrememly stupid. "Fix the bugs" that is what they are trying to do idiot. Stop being a butthurt douchebag and go back to call of duty.

Edited by Hendrix27

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i lost night vision goggles and all shit due to suit bug and dont cry about it, stop playing if you cant live with the chance to loose your gear. QQ

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I for one am sick of bugs and sick of hackers, fix that shit or dont make the game.

Well, you see...the point of it being in alpha is that they are in the process of making it and therefore it has bugs...lots of them. Is this complicated for you?

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Can A mod lock and delete this?? Id be more than willing to be a mod and delete fail threads such as this.

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Yet another idiot who does not understand it is his right to play the mod, which is free, it is a privileged that we all get to test it and make suggestions as a community in its ALPHA stage.

It is in development, you didn't pay a penny for the mod, stop whining and complaining over something you have not put countless hours into.... it could be a closed alpha and you would have nothing to play/test so shut up and play the alpha or I believe the term is GTFO.

"I for one am sick of bugs and sick of hackers, fix that shit or dont make the game"

Don't make the game, why complain about something you are not umm... forced to play? Why even say that, I hope you know how ignorant and slow you appear to be are.

Now go back to playing whatever small brain game EA or Activision is releasing, or continue crying, complaining, and probably alt+f4ing.

Edited by Iceman28001

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All I can hear is "I want I want I want"

When have you heard of a child not in need..... no thanks, I've had enough strawberry tart, I think i'll just go and wash the car....

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DayZ Staff no longer do character resets/inventory replacing anymore unless a patch bugs them to where it is unplayable.

Enjoy your new adventure.

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