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Forming A "Bandits" Group!

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In Game Name: Jesse_James

Age: 33

Time Zone: Central USA

Experience: 6 months

Steam: Jesse_James3

I am very familiar with the map and main areas, and can get to the Northwest airfield by memory from Balota, Electro, and Kamenka. As of right now, I am a lone bandit but am avidly seeking a good group.

Edited by Jesse_James
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In Game Name: kahmi

Age: 20

Time Zone: US central

Experience Level In DayZ: 1-2 months

What Can You Do To Help The Group: I have a good sense of direction, tactical sense, take orders well, and I'm a great shot.

Steam Account Name: yumpancakes

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In Game Name: Brusann

Age: 18

Time Zone: Pacific time GMT -7

Experience: Very Experienced.

What can I do to help the group: Great at overwatch. Have the appropriate weapons for the job, (as50, m107's). I'm more of a stay back and observe kind of guy, definitely shoot first ask questions later when it comes down to a threat to my teammates.

Steam: Brusann

I have Skype and TS3

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In Game Name : iPirate

Age: 23

Time Zone: Live in Oregon, West Coast USA

Experience Level in DayZ: Veteran gamer here, I have only been playing around 8 hours total and already know a good portion of my surroundings, have been in both the major cities along the coast. I'm pretty decent at sneaking around and staying out of sight already, I can equip myself fairly easily and quickly depending on were I have spawned. Only died three times so far. (First two times wre zombies, learned my lesson... Second time was when I shouldn't have trusted a random player, had some awesome gear and learned my lesson the hard way...)

What Can I do to Help the Group: I am a team player first and foremost. I will go out of my way to help the team out any way I can. I can help scavenge gear, weapons, medical supplies and food/drink. I will always watch my groups back. I can sit back and watch over the team with a precision rifle, or be the one out front opening the door to find some gear. All in all, I am just a very versatile player who wants a good group of friends to play with to get the most out of this amazing game.

Steam Account Name: Dibble541

Edited by iPirate

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In Game Name: Jim Eliassen

Age: I'm 16

Time Zone: UTC/GMT +2 hours (From Norway, the time is 16:55 here atm)

Experience Level In DayZ: I got this game two weeks ago and like to think of myself as a tactical and advanced player, sneaky sneek :D

What Can You Do To Help The Group: I can bring you a tactical and serious person who can take orders or give orders aswell as having a good time!

Steam Account Name: Bowiefosho

! Thanks for reading my application! B)

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In game name: Sgt B Paterson

Age: 24

Time Zone: GMT +1

Experience: I've been playing for just over a month now but have been playing arma 2 for ages. I know my way around, I'm versatile with weaponry, I follow orders without hesitation and can lead a small group of 4 effectively. I usually play alone, however I contribute more as part of a team.

Steam Name: ILois_IMust_IDie

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In Game Name: Magnus222

Age: I'm 16.

Time Zone: GMT +1 ( Im Norwegian)

Experience Level In DayZ: Im not the best player. I got the game a week ago. I like to help other players that im playing with. I dont kill so many im more like the medic/looting type of person.

Steam Account Name: ArmyOfCandy

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In Game Name: Eivind

Age: 18

Time Zone: gmt +1 /Norwegian

Experience Level In DayZ: A month of gaming, and raiding le airport and citys

What Can You Do To Help The Group: I know where to find some good loot, and I got a lot of medical supplies.

Steam Account Name: triple_b_313

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Cant Find You ipirate!? are you sure this is you steam account !?!

Sorry about that, I am new to Steam and typed the wrong Steam ID.

Steam ID: iPirate541


Skype ID: iPirate541


If you are still looking for members to join your group, I am far more experienced with DayZ at this point in time. I have raided a few camps and committed many murders in the last week. Explored the whole map multiple times, have most of my routes memorized already. I'm awesome at driving any of the land vehicles, have trouble landing choppers however. I know were all the hot spots for great PvP opportunities are located, and good vantage points to said hot spots. I have an amazing sense of direction in this game and rarely cant point out my exact location on the map. Also, I have come to realize I am a very good sniper, and with a range finder... I won't miss.

Nice little story from my time playing so far.

( Favorite kill so far was yesterday outside Elektro to the north east, I was about 350 meters out looking over the fire station and seen a squad of four survivors. They made there way to the top story and were taking forever to leave. I zero in to 400m with my AS50, aim a little low and take a shot at a survivor standing in the window. It hits and he goes down instantly... The other three survivors panic and start shooting each other thinking a member of there own group turned on them, killing the player I had shot. LOLOLOL. I proceeded to just sit and laugh while they cussed and yelled at each other over public chat... This game is AMAZING )

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In Game Name: Prominent Alex

Age: 18

Time Zone: EST

Experience Level In DayZ: 3 Months of Scouting, learning the map, and studying other peoples behavior online.

What Can You Do To Help The Group: As I stated, good with directions, map skills, landmarks. I understand people and how they behave online, I'm good at scouting, I can find someone easily. I have 30+ hours experience with the Lee Enfield, and all the variants of the M4 & M16.

Steam Account Name: Pciris

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IPirate and Prominentalex i Sent You An Invite !

The Others Who Didn't Receive Invite, Try Giving More Info About Yourself (Other than i raid city and i know the map) We ALL know the map And Raids Camps And Cities!

We Are An Advanced Group!

And You Will Need To Pass The Try Out (Just Play A Game With Us, To Let Us See Your Skills On The Field)

Edited by Duffman

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In Game Name: Devin

Age: 21

Time Zone: GMT -5 ( US East )

Experience Level In DayZ: 3-4 Months

What Can You Do To Help The Group: i am great at providing medical support in the field, and also am very team orientated and enjoy tactical survival. I feel i could bring well rounded set of skills and supplies and gear to the group. I Feel i would be a great addition, and would fit right in. ( From NY , So Good English, Lol. )

Steam Account Name: Lunchbox

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In Game Name: Acevedo

Age: 18

Time Zone: Pacific

Experience Level In DayZ: 1 week

What Can You Do To Help The Group: I'm new so I don't have much knowledge of the whole map but I've played a lot of online games and can shoot pretty well. I am a good listener and will follow orders.

Steam Account Name: Cuban1nick

Skype: Cuban1nick

I always log on to skype when I am using my comp so it's that is my best way to get in contact.

Edited by Acevedo

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In Game Name: Taltsi

Age: 16

Time Zone: GMT+2 (Ping shouldnt be over 200 on US servers, if the server has good connection should be something like 150 at max)

Experience Level In DayZ: 5-6weeks, 2 of them in other groups that failed (The leaders took too many new players, got backstabbed, and i just took what i could and bailed)

What Can You Do To Help The Group: You told not to say that im a good shot, but i am :D I am also a good driver since a i have a wheel so i can drive accuratly and fast. Also able to fly helos with some skill.

Steam Account Name: Taltsi96

I am usualy more on Skype than Steam so it would be easier to get connection with me :) Im not going to tell my current gear/location until i know you wont kill for my stuffs (You know the rules, dont trust anyone)

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What Can You Do To Help The Group: I'm new so I don't have much knowledge of the whole map but I've played a lot of online games and can shoot pretty well. I am a good listener and will follow orders.


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In Game Name: Taltsi

Age: 16

Time Zone: GMT+2 (Ping shouldnt be over 200 on US servers, if the server has good connection should be something like 150 at max)

Experience Level In DayZ: 5-6weeks, 2 of them in other groups that failed (The leaders took too many new players, got backstabbed, and i just took what i could and bailed)

What Can You Do To Help The Group: You told not to say that im a good shot, but i am :D I am also a good driver since a i have a wheel so i can drive accuratly and fast. Also able to fly helos with some skill.

Steam Account Name: Taltsi96

I am usualy more on Skype than Steam so it would be easier to get connection with me :) Im not going to tell my current gear/location until i know you wont kill for my stuffs (You know the rules, dont trust anyone)

Sent You An Invite On Steam (Your 150Ping On US Server, Is Probably The Limit (We Have A UK And A German Guy, And They Play With Us NO LAG)

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In Game Name: Nobody

Age: 15

Time Zone: GMT

Experience Level In DayZ: 5 weeks

What Can You Do To Help The Group: I can fly helicopters and car well. I am good with the map. I am a good team player.

Steam Account Name:DayZMagic

Skype: eamon.kelly.

Skype is the best way to contact me

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