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Solo Play V. Group Play?

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What's everyone's preference? I originally found that group play was fun, but as the days have gone, and I've joined a ridiculously large clan, it seems like the challenge has come to a near halt. There's not much fun in the game anymore. I don't have to try to get any gear. Zombies aren't a challenge when you understand how they work. And nobody can really hurt you when you're eight guys, unless you run into another group of eight guys. I think the game was a lot more tense when I was by myself, and I had a bit more difficulty. Need medical supplies? Well, shit, that's not as easy when you don't have an overwatch and a buddy heading in with you.

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Small group with about 2 friends.

Too many friends will make it confusing and easy.


If you have 1 or 2 friends, you have support if you come across another group.

If you get shot, you can get a transfusion.


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Solo or with one more personal friend to keep being spotted to a minimum and to stop from being stabbed in the back.

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A group of 3 is just perfect. 2 is worse than one, as you usually gain more confidence than you should and get swamped by what should a really simple situation.

Alone or 3/4 player group play. I love both equally for their own reasons.

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