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Kazan (DayZ)

Equipment Reset When Entering Pond

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Date/Time: May 19th, 00:40 EST

What happened: Equipment reset to default upon entering a pond, everything collected vanished and was not floating in the water.

Where you were: I entered the large pond north of Lopatino and south of Skalka from the south side.

What you were doing: Was attempting to refill my water canteen in the pond.

*Current installed version: 1.5.7

*Server(s) you were on: KOR (v1.5.7) dayzmod.com - Hosted by CNG

*Your system specs: N/A

*Timeline of events before/after error: I was running north along the road to the pond to refill my canteen and upon beginning the swimming animation in the pond, my equipment reset.

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Swimming in water usually removes your items, it has been warned before and I believe this a Arma II bug and not a DayZ bug if I am right. (I could be wrong.)

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It does not remove them persé, but rather it just causes them to fall out of your inventory. I had this bug occur to me today where I walked across a small bit of water which had a drop that went about a foot down in the terrain which cause you to swim. As soon as I crossed this area, I'd noticed everything had fallen out. After turning around, I found that all my inventory had fallen onto the ground and was unreachable since I was unable to crouch down to pick it up without entering the swimming animation.

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It isn't a bug, its a feature. If you lose stamina while in the water/go into the water with low stamina (your dude is huffing and puffing) you drop your pack and weapon.

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Yep, it is an engine feature - swimming for too long causes you to fatigue and throw away your gear (ever tried swimming with assault rifle, combat boots, backpack and AT launcher in RL :) ?. Although, it could be considered a bug as well - swimming fatigue is configurable in the mission or unit config, IIRC (although I am not sure if it's tied to general fatigue), and could be made a bit longer before you loose your gear. Post a suggestion possibly.

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Yes, I had this happen to me before, but in this instance, the gear all reset. I only had one bandage and I somehow had the starting 3 again and my gear was not to be found. It reset to the default, full markov rounds and starting bandages/flares.

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