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I'm game for running supplies north, but I'll do it for a price. An FN FAL to start and mags with each run. Feel free to message me if you'd like to discuss further. Dangerous work running hospitals.

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I'm game for running supplies north, but I'll do it for a price. An FN FAL to start and mags with each run. Feel free to message me if you'd like to discuss further. Dangerous work running hospitals.

Hospital runs are about the safest things you can do unless the only one you know of is Elektro.

But their plan is to completely disrupt our network and then replace it with their own, bandits only, network. Bandits trusting bandits to bring them morphine because they broke their leg and don't want to lose their GPS and NVG? I'd love to see that exchange.

Plus it's a lot of work--to bait a medic, set an ambush, coordinate everyone to be in place and out of site, then spring the trap-- to get what, a blood bag, 1 morphine injector, and a coyote patrol pack? The reward on it is too small to be sustainable. Beyond griefing for the lulz, there is no point.

Don't get me wrong, that other thread was outright retarded but don't underestimate bandits, they may be greedy, nasty and cruel but they're also often pragmatic, driven and with the equipment to back it up. A few bandits determined to end something will succeed, especially with an idea like this, all they have to do is hit all the nodes, empty everything out onto the ground and continue on. Pretty much instantly the system is broken beyond repair until the bandits are dealt with.

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I do respect the bandit player's ability to organize and mobilize. Our advantage is that Survivors' greatest weakness, our willingness to trust people, is also our greatest strength. The number of people working to improve the wasteland (The Whitelist, RMG, Reddit Rescue, Freeside Trade co, Zub trade zone, Fort Friendly, etc) is greater than the number of bandits willing to devote the time/energy into disrupting us. We can simply recover from their disruptions, like we always do, and move on. Each of the Carebear groups is working fine as is. All FreeLoaders seeks to do is allow them to work together more efficiently. If/when we are able to succeed, Awesome. If/when they disrupt us, things are just as they currently are.

I think that, as I pointed out in their thread, it's actually in their best interests to make this work. As they come to realize that as well, it'll further remove wind from their sails.

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I've sent out a batch of Steam friend invites as a precursor to adding everyone to the Steam group. If I missed you, give me a shout.

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As to be expected, and I wouldn't want it any other way ;)

But, for what it's worth, having access/knowledge to a constant stream of ammo and meds could be worth more that a few easy kills.

Op is the real deal lol

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Add me on steam - username " gamebattles".

I am happy to run supplies north, if there is anything else needed just let me know.

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I'm interested but would like some more details before I commit. Also I hang around the south most often. Cherno and Electro are my playgrounds.

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There is no honor among thieves.

There is a reason that sang is hundreds if not thousands of years old; it's true.

The bandit vs medic battles wont be ending anytime soon, but, the bandits will loose the war. Guaranteed.

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There is no honor among thieves.

There is a reason that sang is hundreds if not thousands of years old; it's true.

The bandit vs medic battles wont be ending anytime soon, but, the bandits will loose the war. Guaranteed.

It'll drag out for longer than necessary however, because we'll keep patching them up ;)

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Willing to hire mercenaries for defense or distribution for trade supplies etc? Obviously back stabbing etc would result in black listing.

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Hey Kyle, you're already set up with Dr. Wasteland? We're hoping to (finally) have our partnership meeting soon. Ask the Dr. if he'd include you in the talks.

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ill gladly help my steam name is ChazMontanaro :D hit me up

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I would like to join and help others, skype siribr or message me in here

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Id like to volunteer my gametime for this but i just started playing the game last night lol. This all sounds like a blast, considering the article that allowed me to discover this was the one covering Doc Waste at Ars Technica.

That being said, ima work on learning what I can, but if you ever need someone to run with you for added support, it would benefit me in learning all that much faster.

Add me to steam as SilenceSoLoud or drop me a PM anytime.


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