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The Power of A Tent (with paragraphs) (also a story)

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After being murdered at the NWAF, I respawned. After about ten respawns, i spawned in Kamorovo. Of course, the first thing i did, besides raiding the factory, was to run to Balota. Inside the tower I found my first gun, an AK-74. I then walked up to the top room, only to be sniped. I heard the incredibly loud shot a few seconds after being hit.

This death really pissed me off, and I vowed total revenge. After many (more) tries, I finally reached cherno. Inside the beautiful, and completely safe, city of Cherno i found all of the equipment i needed including a Winchester with about 10 clips. Whilst inside the city i murdered a noob (he didnt respond to my direct comms and he had a weapon), sorry Sorrall, and moved on.

To accomplish my revenge (and to find better gear), I ran to Balota. As I approached the two warehouses, on the Eastern-most point, I saw a pair of peculiar looking boulders. As I moved in, gun at the ready, I discovered that they were two tents. Thinking that this was my murderer's camp, I quickly searched the tents (full of food/water) and the hid behind a stone wall. I then raided the airstrip finding an AKSU with two mags. I then returned to the camp. Minutes later I hear footsteps.

Believing them to belong to the sniper, I exploded from behind cover and opened fire. I was firing as many rounds as possible at the man (most of them missing). Eventually I hit his legs, from about 500m's away, and then finished him off. He only had an M16, however, he died with his finger on the trigger, earning my respect. Sadly, Robson, was not my sniper.

After going to remove my father's lawn mower from a ditch, I logged back on. I immediately hear shots, and then see that someone had died. About five minutes later, a pair of men, who were heavily armed, run to the tents. They stop and begin to search, as I crawl out from hiding and open fire. My three round burst only wounded the first man, however, my second killed him. I then opened fire on his friend, who PVP logged like a fucking coward. He was heavily wounded though, and probably had only seconds to live. In the end i earned an M4A3 and a map for my troubles as well as killing an asshole. Im sure Charlie, my victim, would've PVP logged also.

The moral of my little story is that tents are always a trap. If you believe an area to be empty, search again. If you find nothing search until you are ABSOLUTELY positive that no one is there. (BTW i play on US35 if anyone else would like to die) Thanks for reading.

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I look forward to accepting your gracious offer.. Although perhaps with a little twist of my own! See you on US35!

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I look forward to accepting your gracious offer.. Although perhaps with a little twist of my own! See you on US35!

Oh, was that you then? The PVP logger in tge ghillie suit. I shot a guy in a suit in the legs,but he disconnected before i could get the kill.

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Nice story and kills. I enjoyed it.

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Nice story and kills. I enjoyed it.

Thanks, I'm glad someone actually read and enjoyed one of my posts.

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Oops. Double posted, sorry!

Edited by Zeorsq

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