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Suggestion: Skills Idea

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Ok so I was thinking about how the game could be so each character/ person could be a little more individual rather than everyone looking for the same loot day in day out and I came up with a somewhat plausable idea, Its sort of based on character skills but more so you personaly choosing a character roll.

As it is now every one of us can carry a tool box, blood transfusion kit, morphine, etc etc.

to make it so we could play more role specific characters why not limit what people can carry but also add benifits for these roles.

the way I see this working is by using certain items as bags rather than items.

As it stands now a tool box can contruct tank traps. destroy barbed wire, fix a car, entrenching tool etc etc

If the tool box took up, say 4 inventory slots and had the ability to hold select items that can only every be placed in the tool box (Wrench, Blow torch, WIre Cutters, Hammer) etc etc..it could create a brand new dynamic to the game.

This person would of made himself a role specific character that can concentrate his time on a specific task ether alone or with a team but at the expense of having less slots in his inventory to hold other items such as a blood transfusion kit.

A more medical based player would need to find a medics pack (4slot item) in order to be able to use a BTF.

A sniper is another good example. in real situations they have spotters, they are the ones who can hold a range finder, if a character has a sniper rifel in his inventory it makes the range finder unusable,

I personaly love the cross bow and woild gladly give up 3 inventory slots to hold a 10 arrow quiver)

whatever way you look at it all 4 of these examples have one thing in common. the term "jack of all trades would not be a term used for one person but a group of people that must work together to be successful.

I think this not only diversefies how we must play but also gives players something better to think about than shoot on site and rather think a little about how useful a new player could be to them.

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Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I really have no issue with skills if done right but making specific classes would mean solo players are at a disadvantage. when I play I want to be the solo scavenging for what I need while avoiding unknown persons. and when dogs are implicated traveling with my trusty companion in a world gone mad. if i need to call a medic every time I get hurt it ruins my play style. the minute i advertise where I am to get help i am easy pickings for bandits. when skills make solo surviving a disadvantage thats when I say no. if you want to be a medic then don't do everything just be a medic you don't need skills to specify what you can or can't do just choose to no longer do a certain activity and ask clan mates for help.

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I feel the same as the OP. Here's my own thread on the issue:


Basically, anything that makes the character a true character, and not a generic robot that carries loot around, and can shoot and do surgery and fix helicopters and run and cook, would be good for me.

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I like your post mate but I think what I am getting at here is not being able to all have the top tier loot, there should be tradeoffs in some respect so a sniper with nvg's cant barricade there fortress that they drove to in the car that they made. just seems like they can do everything before you even get started lol

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Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Not again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

its actually a good idea, altho i'd like to be able to do everything lol

Edited by RoboSheriff

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its actually a good idea, altho i'd like to be able to do everything lol

HAha me too so thats why I came up with the suggestion of a sort of...softcore skill idea.

this way there would be no stopping you from keeping all the equiptment you needed in a tent/ truck but you coild only go out onto the field with a certain amount.

Ok Im gonna go scout the area ill need this this and this..

then you spot a damaged truck in the distance. remember the location and go back to your kit and get the things you need.

I just proffere a more organized realisting (in a way) aproach.

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How to post things of meaning on the forums.

1. Listen to one/all of the interviews w/ rocket.

2. Read the FAQs and the "Read this before you post".

3. DO NOT post anything requesting something that has been explicitly said will never be added. Skills is on that list, as is reduced/prohibited PvP, and many other things....

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When I wake up tomorrow morning, I'm going to do a forum search for "class(es)" and "skills".

Then I will post all of the links here.

Then I will say,


(where x is the number of times it has been posted before)

In all seriousness, this goes quite a bit against the basic concept as outlined by the mod creator.

Classes would then require balancing and tweaking, &c, &c.

It's a well considered suggestion, and it fits the mold of what most gamers crave these days.. Defined roles...

But if they did that, I, and I assume many others, would not want to play the mod any more.

I prefer the "everyone can do the same things" model.

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This isn't battlefield.. I like both games but they are completely different this is a semi realistic zombie survival .net some arcade zombie shooter like left for dead

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@disgraced, did you even read the suggestion i made in regards to 'professions&classes' because I agree with your point of view, but how about limiting what everyone can do by giving them less space (which is basically the same as the OP here is suggesting only in a different place). Because i think it's realy weird that people can be 'rambo/macgiver/beargrills' all in one... and I fully agree 'classes' as in predetermained molds you pick from are not the way to go, hence i took another approach...

if you do think players should be able to carry all tools with them at all times, then we disagree, but don't go pile up all suggestions based upon a single word in the title, without even reading what the suggestion actually suggest to do...

Edited by L0GIN
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It is definetly the same concept and as far as it being like battlefield or any other game with class specific roles I really don't get how people think im talking about creating a class system.

I'm not after removing the tool belt or making less of it but for me personaly its a little too open like Login said, making everyone like mcgiver.

I made no suggestion of making classes as Disgraced is implying because in another post a little lower I gave an example of what I am talking about, with this idea and I belive how Login has explained it too http://dayzmod.com/f...sions-teamwork/ there should be a tradeoff for carrying items of a certain type.QUaby being another example that read the title rather than the actual post.

To quote Disgraced "In all seriousness, this goes quite a bit against the basic concept as outlined by the mod creator." how is this anything but in line with what the moderator invisioned ?

"this is a semi realistic zombie survival" so why make the characters unrealisticaly good at everything ?

Im NOT suggesting a class system as this would be interchangable and as far as inventory would go there would be no problem being a being able to fix cars AND play Medic type role AND be a hunter but having the ability to do all of these at once thats the unrealistic part

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im going to link you to my post and i want you to read the last idea of the first section http://dayzmod.com/f...y-sugestions-o/

Personaly for me thats too much like a set skill system because you have to choose then and there, what Im talking about is to be able to set up camp and think "ok what do I need", I need a car so this is the equipment I need to take to town with me. or I need to fortify my base im gonna need ot take this with me. rather than a skill system its an assesment of what gear to take with you at any given time making your bag situational rather than mary poppins bag of everything,.

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