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Short AAR of my best moment in DayZ, thank you Bandits!

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This is why I love DayZ

Today me and two others, grouped up went on the US PA1 and headed towards Berezino, and nearby in the woods, we found this UAZ, which we offcourse stole it.

Quickly we went all over the map, only finding Enfields and a load of ammo, after refueling the gas hungry UAZ a few times, we finally got the bright idea of driving right through Elektro, using the road.

we entered, and I thought I heard a few shots, but got reasured by the group that telling me that they didnt´t hear us. when we came to our first turn in Elektro, I, the driver, sadly almost took a wrong turn, and lost all the speed of the car.

2 seconds went by, and someone opens fire, I more or less panic, drive STRAIGHT north, having no clue where I´m going (By this time, everyone is screaming loudly on TS, reporting in enemy positions etc.) about 20 seconds later, we fly by the power station offroad at about 75mph, when we suddently hear the shot, and the freaking tire gets shots in. half a second later we get shot at from like 3 new directions, we ditch the car, and hit the ground, throw out smoke and start shooting back at shit.

we do a status, and one guy didn´t make it out the car alive, so theres only two of us left, on an open field, against an enemy on high ground. suffice to say it didn´t end well.

that situation made my adrenaline pump, and it seems the only game that can give that to me is DayZ.

Edited by Agger
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