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Awesome Treasure Map!

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Today was a day full of firsts for me in DayZ, it was the first time I came across a bunch of players at one time (3 at once, none of which knew each other)

(we also teamed up for a short time, until a zed walked between me and one of the teamates, I was killed in the crossfire...)

it was the first time I've ever found a map

and it was the first time I've ever found tents placed in the wilderness

Me and a friend were looting the Supermarket in Cherno and we found a map! I give it to my friend 'cause he was really new and didn't know the layout of the map. He tells me about these circles with X's through them, I get the map back and see them, not sure what to think I declare that we head towards one of them.

There was a label on one that said "cool staf" and we blindly headed towards it.

(And yes, this is a bad idea kids, I realize this later, but for the time being it was fine.)

We find the spot and lo'n'behold we find 2 tents with assorted things in them!

We found a Winchester, a bunch of ammo, makarov mags, and bandages.

All went better than expected! though I would say, take caution if you ever try to go to a location marked on an ingame map like this, as its normally a trap (or so I've read from the forums).

But this, this should be an example as to why you should at least get the locations a chance to be awesome!

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Cool, I didn't realise you could read stuff other people had marked on a map. Nice!

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I was wondering about those marks, thought it was designed for original arma 2, now I know. thanks!

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if you double click a spot on the map with left click it places one of those for ALL on the server to see.. go to them if you wish.. but its not reccomended.. also

PROTIP: hover over one and press delete to delete it off your map

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