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My first Kill

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I play a lot of shooter games and never think twice about killing the bad guys. I mean who does right? So I started playing Dayz for the first time this morning. I had been playing for six hours without finding anyone else. Anyone alive that is. I kept finding trails of dead zombies and most times at the end of those trails dead players. I loot them without thinking twice. Survival of the fittest is whats on my mind. After watching youtube videos and seeing how people seem to always attack on sight, I was constantly keeping my finger on the trigger of the Ak-47 I had found on someone. While keeping my head low around one of the cities I spot someone moving towards me. A zombie I though at first but as I zoomed in I saw a double barrel shotgun in his hands. I dropped to the ground prone position and acquired my target.

Oddly enough my adrenaline started pumping and I fired the first shot. A miss. He looked both ways and started jogging towards me. I opened fire again, this time riddling his chest with 7.62 rounds. He fell to the floor crippled, bleeding out and yelling at me. "I'm friendly! Please wait! I'm friendly!" With the adrenaline still rushing through me I fired a couple more shots into him and silence again filled the dead city. I started recollecting what just happened. My attitude went from kill mode to regret. Was he willing to actually help me? Or was he willing to shoot me the moment I turned my back? I started feeling bad about the whole thing. I never though that my first kill on dayz would fill me with doubt and regret... I pictured myself killing assholes that would try to kill me and doing a little virtual victory dance over them. Instead. I feel like shit. That was my first kill on Dayz...

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That's what I think the game is about. Decisions. you may never know what that player's intentions were with you, but you had to make a decision and you chose self-preservation over risk. When taken like that, rather than "hurr kill everyone," the game is incredibly beautiful to me.

I have 1 murder on my current life, and I regret it immensely, but I'm alive.

well written post by the way, outside of formatting, very descriptive

Edited by Dingus
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Wow, I sort of want to get with my posse now, find you and riddle you with bullets so you know what it feels like to have some cool stuff and just be shot and killed... Looks like another one is lost to the large group of people who shoot on sight like its sole purpose is deathmatch free-for-all.

Edited by TheFreindlyOldMan

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You can trust no one. Hard decisions are ones that become easier with the more blood you spill.

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Wow, I sort of want to get with my posse now, find you and riddle you with bullets so you know what it feels like to have some cool stuff and just be shot and killed... Looks like another one is lost to the large group of people who shoot on sight like its sole purpose is deathmatch free-for-all.

Did you actually read his post? He regrets it. He is expressing an emotion the game made him feel. He's not bragging.

Edited by Dingus

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That's what makes DayZ so brilliant. The mod is able to make you feel regret for killing somebody when you would otherwise feel nothing.

In your case he was probably just trying to live a little bit longer. If he yelled "friendly" after the first shot and instead of after going down he would have had more credibility.

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That's what I think the game is about. Decisions. you may never know what that player's intentions were with you, but you had to make a decision and you chose self-preservation over risk. When taken like that, rather than "hurr kill everyone," the game is incredibly beautiful to me.

I have 1 murder on my current life, and I regret it immensely, but I'm alive.

well written post by the way, outside of formatting, very descriptive

Thank you. I keep telling myself that as well. It was either him or me. 1 murder and no way to redeem ourselves..

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Did you actually read his post? He regrets it. He is expressing an emotion the game made him feel. He's not bragging.

Yes I did, I never said he was bragging but he was careless in his decision, he didn't even bother to call out friendly or anything.

Edited by TheFreindlyOldMan

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I never said he was bragging but he was careless in his decision, he didn't even bother to call out friendly or anything.

Every second you wait to fire is another that the other player can use to line up a headshot. The risk is part of what makes the game interesting. And knowing what you take away from other players is what brings the emotional guilt.

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I never said he was bragging but he was careless in his decision, he didn't even bother to call out friendly or anything.

Well, I just wouldn't crucify him is all. Maybe from here on he'll consider that. Maybe he won't.

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I killed someone in a game i feel bad... lol such idiots

hate incoming in 3, 2, 1....

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That's what I think the game is about. Decisions. you may never know what that player's intentions were with you, but you had to make a decision and you chose self-preservation over risk. When taken like that, rather than "hurr kill everyone," the game is incredibly beautiful to me.

I have 1 murder on my current life, and I regret it immensely, but I'm alive.

well written post by the way, outside of formatting, very descriptive

I had you pegged for a ruthless killer like me dingus

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I had you pegged for a ruthless killer like me dingus

we all used to be innocent, but this cruel harsh world evolved us into monsters

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I had you pegged for a ruthless killer like me dingus

Oh no, not me. I can admit I'm more carebear than most. In all the time I've played this game I can't count on more than one hand the times I have killed someone in cold blood.

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I'd rather not kill the person... But at the same if he kills me I'd feel badd

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You'll find that your evolution in behavior in Day Z will be very interesting.

I started out as the dough-eyed "Let's work together!" type of player.

Then after my first betrayal, I opted for total isolation.

Then after my second betrayal, I opted for malicious death dealing to anything that moved.

Which has slowly died down into a medium between isolationism, letting people go along if they haven't spotted me, or slaying them no questions asked if I think they're a threat.

It's interesting to see people who've started out engaging first. My first player kill was on a bandit who was sighting me in, I just reacted faster.

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Well, if there were more people like the OP all this stupid and senseless killing might come to end. Like just now I was pretty freshly spawned and sitting in the southern supermarket in Berezino.

I had my back turned to the front door for maybe a few seconds(was combining shells) and bam I hear gunfire, turn around and just manage to get a glimpse of the guy before it goes dark.

He could have asked if I was friendly and I might have said "yes, friendly" and if I had turned without answering he could've shot me. Hell, I might even have shared supplies with him if he had given me a chance.

Sure, it was my fault for letting my guard down, but this great game which I love(and recently started playing) just gets ruined by all the c*nts who shoot first without provocation.

I've yet to kill a player without he/she shooting a me first, I guess I need to change that attitude, get a CZ 550 and camp out on a hill or whatever like all the other cowards, BF3 and CoD players.

This turned into a rant post and I do apologize. I just felt the need to write off some steam.

Edited by Moriquende

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I never kill anyone in DayZ... I did once, I felt so aweful. They had spend hours upon hours getting that gear and I am to just take it because its shiner than mine? No thats not Ok. Not now not ever.

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I used to trust strangers with guns.... then again i used to be a dumbass who died a lot from betrayals. I say that if you don't know him personally as a freind, and he has a weapon, kill on sight. If he yells freindly, continue to shoot. I once had someone who yelled friendly when i saw him. He had no ammo for his gun, and i helped him for 30 min. find supplies and ammo. When he found his ammo, as i was eating a can of food, he shot me in the back. He was "friendly" alright...

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