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Let's discuss tactics for different scenarios.

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Scenario 1: Working in a squad to kill survivors

General squad set-up's consist of around 4-5 players so we will go with that for now.

Role 1: Sniper

Role 2: Machine gunner

Role 3: Grenadier

Role 4: Rifleman

Role 5: Rifleman/Marksman

Upon sighting the player he's position will be called to the rest of the team, once all members are on target roles 2-4 will suppress/pin the target, when the player goes to take cover or log it is the perfect time for role 1/5 to take an easy shot. In the event of it being night time role 3 can shoot a flare round which will normally be enough to make the player drop for role 1/5 to take a shot.

Scenario 2: Coming under fire

Again working with squads but this can apply to any number of players.

We have all had that moment when we move to a location then suddenly sniper fire comes from the tree line. In this scenario targets are in range for all roles to engage in combat.

Role 1: Sniper (In this case counter sniper)

Role 2: Machine gunner

Role 3: Grenadier

Role 4: Rifleman

Role 5: Rifleman/Marksman

Once contact is established the group will split up to find cover with Role 1-2 sticking together while roles 3-5 stick together. At this point we assume there is only 1 shooter, once the position of the shooter is located roles 3-5 will provide the first burst of suppressive fire allowing roles 1-2 to get into position without worry. Once roles 3-5 have completed suppressive fire role 2 will continue the suppressive fire and allow for role 1 to take a shot.

Contingency 1: Sniper is hit

If the sniper is hit then role 1 will be switched with role 5 where we assume role 5 will be carrying a DMR/sniper or similar weapon e.g M16 ACOG

Contingency 2: Machine gunner down

Role 1 will move with role 3/4 but both groups will try to engage at the same time.

Contingency 3: More than one shooters

In this case role 2-4 will provide suppressive fire at the same time to allow for role 1&5 to take shots.

Contingency 4: Targets out of rage

Should the targets be out of range, role 3 should break with role 1-2. Once in cover role 3-4 should move in between each other with cover from role 2/5 while role 1/5 take shots.

Contingency 5: No cover - running in an open field bro!

Run around like a headless chook and spray into the air. Hopefully they'll wtf and it can buy you some time.

The above plan can also work for just 2 players assuming there is only one shooter, players will split while one player pops up to suppress the target while the other snipes.

Scenario 3: All dressed up and no one to blow

Wait patiently and when a target is spotted everyone just light it the fuck up.

Post more scenarios and your strategies!

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Scenario: Killing anything that moves while recording for youtube and having high grade snipers against newly spawned players

Role: Master Camper

Tactic: Just sit there and wait for hours, since this way you may actually kill someone

This ain't my strategy but it's usually what I see on videos here and there.

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I like going with an entourage...

I am usually the sniper... So I AM the entourage ...

My Rifleman/Machinegunner will head closer from solid cover to cover using suppressive fire to distract the sniper/marksman.

I move to a spot while proning to get a spot where I can engage to attacker with my sniper.

When I get there I tell my gunner to cease moving up and use pistol fire to conserve main ammo.

I take the shot(s).

Contingent 1: I miss and the sniper doesn't realize it is a counter sniper and it is actually the gunner getting close to shooting him.

I then take another shot hitting or not hitting him repeat contingent one in that manner. Or preceed to contingent 2...

Contingent 2: Sniper realizes a counter sniper is in play and attacks me. My gunner charges shooting at him once again drawing his fire from me. Repeat Contingent 1 or 2.

Scenario 2: Say fuck it switch to pistol or another gun in bag and sneak around to flank him.

Scenario 3: Would be he has a friend and is engaging my gunner head on then I would be forced to hit his friend and then if he realizes then use contingent 2 from scenario 1 if he doesn't use contingent 1 from scenario 1.

Scenario 4: His friend engages me from the flank and I shoot at him with my sidearm.

Contingent 1: I kill him and then revert to contingent one from scenario one or contingent 2 scenario 1.

Contingent 2: He kills me and then engages my gunner from the rear.

sub contingent 1: Gunner dies they loot our hard earned gear.

subcontingent 2: Gunner kills hostile gunner and kills or dies by sniper.

Yeah that is alot but I wanted alot of detail... Also thanks to all the bandits out there who are taking sniping seriously and not making the rest look bad !!!

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