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Cannot Join Game

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HI all!

I recently Purchased (within 24 hours) the "Arma II: Combined operations" bundle in light of This year's Steam Summer Sale. After a Bunch of BS, I finally managed to actually get Operation Arrowhead Running, Only to run into yet another Roadblock.

I am using "Six Shooter". I Run the Application (Six Launcher), Select a Server, Operation Arrowhead Boots Up. The game loads to the point of which I am clearly inside a lobby. I can see other player's names, their latency's, and will even see the map load in the background. I pick one of the many available "Survivor" Slots and press "Play". Then a Loading box appears, I revert to what appears to be the Standard OA loading screen with some tanks and humvees on it, then it will bring me back to the first screen with the player list, again with a "Receiving mission" message, or something along those lines.

This is Where things Diverge a bit.

Most of the time, after the aforementioned has occurred, i will then be stuck at a solid black screen with a tan bar, almost Full, labeled "Loading".

About a fifth of the time I will be Set back at the ARMA II main screen (Where it says SIngle player, multiplayer, etc)

Perhaps 1 in 10, after selecting a Server from the "Six Launcher" application, I will only see a Black screen, Identical to the "Loading screen", except now only the message "Waiting for host" is visible.

It should be Noted that Selecting servers from the IN GAME Muliplayer option yields the same results as selecting server's from "Six Shooter"

My PC build is as Follows:

Asus CrossHair V

AMD Zambezi 8 core

Radeon 7770

Corsair 8gb Ram

WHAT AM I DOING WRONG? Thanks in advance!

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Still Trying. I have seen Similar problems as mine, but no clear answers.

It loads the entirety of the game, and right before it Finishes loading up any given server, even after selecting Play, I get the Black Loading Screen...


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Same exact situtation.

I've heard some people saying that the issue is with Battle Eye. Supposedly its the last thing to load before you enter the game.

Try to reinstall Battle Eye. I've done it and it didn't seem to help any. Hopefully you get a different result.

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dont know many i had your problem prior to this...but not i just get kicked from EVERY day z server i try to join...if i was you i would just get a refund...this isnt worth it....i have never had an issue modding this game....i have tons of mods....its just this piece of crap...and bohemia and their constant beta patchs, that may or may not work (not to mention it puts a red X next to all the servers, that arent DayZ even my project reality server that i would play on....)so not only did i not get this mod to work, but it alst makes more work for me since i have to roll back the beta patch to get it to work....

my advice return the game....bohemia lost it...they just come out constantly with beta patchs that seems only to seperate the community (with losing access to certain servers as a result....) why cant these idiots just come out with official patches....instead of breaking up the community....

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I feel you man. I think everyone that can't play is pretty frustrated. For the time being i'm just going to wait it out until they get everything sorted out.

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maybe its the beta patch causes this, if you installed 94945 downgrade it to 94876

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It looks like I get the Joy of Taking a Tour of all the possible errors within Day Z. Hours of this crap, and still have yet to play a game.

So I Realized I had never played a Vanilla Multiplayer game, and seeing as how that would Confirm whether or not my Battleye is functioning I went ahead and did that. Got into a game no problem. after that I Made sure that Battleye files were in both Arma II and AO and everything checked out.

For some reason now, I get the "Error created direct 3d 9 engine" or whatever... I moved the Beta file replacing the default one Hours ago, so wtf...

Additionally, I just updated the Beta Patch, Still No joy...


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Okay. SO the "Grphaic engine 9" Error only appears when I Run the game Through steam.

When I run through Six Shooter, It Loads fine.

But I digress... I have a New Error.

"Waiting For Character creation" With Green "Form up on me messages" in the lower left hand corner.

I Alt+Tabbed out of that and when I came back I am now Sitting at A loading screen except this time No Tan Loading bar.

Just Black screen, with the word Loading, which is Clearly Fucking Lying...

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Went through all that aswell, acegunner :/.

At the moment im trying to do what Doom suggested. I'm adding all the mod files manually and downgrading the beta patch to see if that helps.

Yeah that loading screen is fucking annoying. Can you hear sound in the background? When I first got that I was so excited haha. Then It dawned on me that nothing was happening. Good luck on your end bro.

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Got the game to work. I really don't get how but im thankful.

I manually added everything using this method


After that i booted up operation arrow and couldnt join any servers. So i started up six shooter and tried that and now it's working just fine.

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If you dont wanna have to reinstall your whole game and waste countless hours of time... try this video first........... it should fix your problem within 10 minutes ;)

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