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Small Clan Looking for more players to group with

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Looking for more players to join our little squad. We use Teamspeak 3 and are hosting our own 40 man server and it's fairly new, so it's pretty rare to run into a military geared bandit. We've done a couple of NW airfield runs and are hoping to get a few more to join us. The majority of us are in West coast time, but we have members that are in East coast time. If it doesn't work out, you're more than welcome to use our server as your home server. Check us out at Death Korps Clan.

Edited by Terraude
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Hey im looking for a group to play with, how many people are in your group currently?

Steamname: CD1337

Edited by CD1337

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Currently we have 6 players in our group, but we're split up into 2 squads. We get together when we raid NW airfield as a big group. I'll add you all to steam.

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My steam name may also be CWD1337, i tend to show up as both sometimes..

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I would like to join you guys as well, Been playing bout a week now, so I'm fairly experienced.

Add me on steam as: JDCrave

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Well my phone sucks at adding you guys on steam. Add me instead, JC 907

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Hey, my names Jon and i'd like to play with you guys. Wondering aroundbeing chased by zombes alone isn't too fun. Steam Id: Delicious_Camel

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Interested in joining you as well. Steam name is smexy109 and it's Oats.

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I am on the west coast as well, I would to join:

Steam: Oranitez

In-Game: Reneza

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Need a bunch of people to roll with (I'm cold and alone with noone to bloodbag me).

Steam: Fate_6

In-Game: Superbone1

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Hey i would really like to join ive been a lone wolf for a while now and i think playing with people would be a whole new experience. My Steam name is Wfmu1 and if you want to play together just message me. I dont really have a set schedule because im only 16 and i would rather hang out with friends, but if i home and you guys wanna play i would be glad too. im at the north west air field and the moment with a m16 and a silenced m9 with a dmr in my backpack let me know if you wanna play!

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Add me on Steam. It definatly sound like its more fun to hunt with a pack.

Nova (Curious Pyrobird)

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Definitely looks like the right clan for me. ---------- SteamName: Aclurace

- Is there a steam group for this?

Edited by Aclurace

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I was hoping to get on tonight and touch base with you guys, but doesn't look like I'll be able to get on. Also steam isn't letting me add you guys through my phone just register at our clan website and I'm sure some of the guys that are in game and on TS will be more than willing to rendezvous with you guys.

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Fought these guys a few times, never once did they combat log or ghost on me. Looking forward to any encounters I have with them in the future :D

Edited by Knar

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