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Freeside Trading Co. Membership Renewal

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Hello all,

As you may have noticed, we've moved a large part of our operations over to our own forums. We have nearly 150 people on the Roster, the vast majority of whom are not registered on the new forums.

If you signed up for Freeside here on the DayZ forums and have not made an account on the new forums, then please go the the new forums, make an account, and then "Start a Conversation" with me, Publik, or Vulwulf (on the new forums) notifying us of your account. Anyone from the old roster who does this will "renew" their membership and be added to the new roster and given Employee level access to the new forums.

Anyone who does not do this in a timely manner will be considered to have resigned from Freeside.


Freeside Trading Co. Commander

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