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Looking for some players for DayZ Squad

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Hello fellow Survivors out there.

Some friends of mine who are pretty new to DayZ (2-4 Weeks experience) are looking for 2 or 3 more players joining our group.

We got everything to theoretically (not deadly shot by bandit, bugs, Patches or broken legs due to zombies/bear traps) infinitely survive.

These are:

- Weapons with enough ammunition (Lee, AKs, and handguns)

- Crossbow for animal and silent killing

- Box of matches and hatchet for cooking ofc

- Map, Compass and Watch

- Food and Drinks (Water Bottles included)

- Blood Bags for absolute emergencies (normally we kill an animal, cook and eat the meat afterwards to get blood in the wilderness

Where we are:

- Anywhere on the map, just contact us and we'll find a spot to meet

What we are planning but not quite knowing how to do:

- Camp

- Finding Vehicles

As you can see, we do not have that high requirements but a few we allow us to introduce:

- Minimum of 2 Weeks expierence and knowing how to survive (more experienced would be absolutely great actually)

- On Meetup not carrying weapons (we will find a spot where you are greatly spottable ,meet there and will shoot if you have/pull out a weapon of any kind , this is ONLY for safety issues, we will not harm you in any way if you do not attack us!.)

- Microphone and Teamspeak 3 (Optional: Skype, Steam, Xfire)

- Age of 16-24 on join date

- Ability to express in an understandable way of English or German

- Having fun playing the game

- TIMEZONE: Around GMT +1 or playing whilst GMT +1 Time

If you meet this requirements and want to join us, then i'll provide you contact data.

Steam: earthstamper (Current Nickname: Spiritreader @ Ü MÅD BRØ / in case you cannot find my profile by entering the default name)

Teamspeak IP: ts3-081.lan4play.de:11052

If you join our Teamspeak 3 server and i am not available, check back later. I mostly couldnt contact back the members that joined 1-2 times and were never seen again without leaving a reply to this topic or adding me in Steam. Thank you ^_^

What you need to do:

PM me that i can contact you back!

When you join on Teamspeak contact Spiritreader with a poke or write a message.

When you add me in Steam i'll give you Teamspeak data (so you'll end up on TS anyways xD)

Tell us your age and your skill level, we are still looking for a squad leader!

If you join our Teamspeak and if I'm afk, check back later!

Have a nice day / Goodnight

Edited by Spiritreader
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i would like to join but my mic is broke and im 14 but i have a tent you guys can use :)

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Hey I wouldn' mind joining you, I'm always looking for others. The only thing is I'm at all the way on Western USA, so I don't know if our times will work out. I have a tent too. Also I'm 19, I have skype but I don't really talk unless needed. And i've been paying the game for a few weeks now.

Steam Name: zachgibson22

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Hey im willing to join, turn 20 in a week and have been playing for a few weeks, i have 3 camping tents and a lot of food and drinks, as well as uncooked meat. Let me know if your willing to have me join your group.

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zachgibson, i added you via steam.

CD1337 i pmed you for further details.

Brent, im really sorry to say that you are a little bit to young, though you may have great experience ingame we take this requirement very serious due to some bad experiences.


For the member called Xolaris in Teamspeak. Please join back i was afk at this moment

Edited by Spiritreader

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i will join youre clan i have alot of expirence with killing to getting killed im in need of good teamates that kick ass

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Hello First post on these forums but I would like to join I'm 16 played the game for about 1-3weeks now and love it but only play for a little bit because I get bored because its not as fun without a group and all my friends are console fanatics so I am inquiring about joining this clan. I Have Skype steam xfire team speak you name it I probably have it. I also Have a very high end computer and are willing to record hours of footage if you wish to have episodes on youtube. I Live in america and speak very good English if this means anything. So let me know if i can join I would love to If I can.

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Im back now and informed the members we are interested in via Messenger or Forum PN whilst i was away!

Edited by Spiritreader

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